View Full Version : cant get over it

10-25-2011, 08:49 PM
i never had a attack before...it just happen 3 weeks ago but dam i cant stop thinking about it..maybe cuz it scared the hell out of me..but i just cant stop thinking about it...i just wanna move on with my life...like it never happen...why do i dwell on this...

10-26-2011, 08:36 AM

Hard to explain but anxiety is in built in the body from the dawn of time and is there to protect you from danger .

The problem is today that the danger is very different. In the cave man days it was dino , but today it can be anything from poor diet , drugs to just generally being over worked and stressed .

But the brain being a very primitive thing that has not changed much in millions of years can not see this . What it sees is that you feel scared , fearful and it will focus on that in order to find the source . The problem is that when you cant see it ( for example a run away bus ) it will keep looking for it until it is gone or until it is told what it is .

You are in a fairly good spot at the moment as i said on the other post . See the problem is when anxiety gets really bad the brain changes and the primitive part goes into overload and stops the logical part from working as it should . This is why people fear things that they know are just silly or OCD . Because the primal ( the croc brain ) is working before the logical part .

If you watch a scary movie and get scared it only last a few seconds and the the logical part will tell you that it is only a movie and there is no danger . The same works when someone scares you from behind a door . But with anxiety and the fact that the logical part slows down . The primal part takes off and you end up in a mess worrying about things you never would .

Anxiety only comes from this factor and is feed by stress .

Anxiety feeds anxiety and i dont think many doctors understand this . They think that there has to be some underlying factor to it . But hey lets face it feeling anxious is enough to make anyone anxious isn't it .

cheers kev :)

thanks man..