View Full Version : never had this before

10-25-2011, 10:54 AM
3 weeks ago i took a diet pill..which consist of ephedrine and caffine...and i was ok..but that evening OMG!!!! starting panicking and just going crazy crying out of nowhere very emotional..i was like a mad man..well the next day i went to the hospital cuz my heart would not quit POUNDING and i couldnt stop shaking, and i was still emotional..man this sucked...well since then i just aint been the same i would think im going crazy and i would shake inside and for days my stomach felt in knots and hurt and be gassy...which is gone now thank god i just feel..im ok..but there is just something not rite..DEPRESSION. well i am getting better as days go by..this was chemically induced so im asking do i just got to let my body calm down from all this, to finally feel normal again. am i correct the more i keep my body calm the faster and better the recovery... i think i had an anxiety attack im not sure but i didnt like it but since then ive not been the same i cant stop thinking about the things i thought wat i felt it was like the scariest thing in my life. feeling like i was jumping out of my skin...things not seeming real...well like i said ive been calm for the last 2 days like its subsiding but how long does it take for you body to finally recover and rejuvanate itself from the truama you put it thru...

10-25-2011, 08:43 PM
well i go to the gym everyday.....and i try to eat good...and i take multivitamins everyday...and i am starting to really feel better and i do feel the thoughts are fading...i know in time that that day and the attack will be fading as days go by...and i just cant wait til its all behind me and thats what im working on as we speak