View Full Version : Really anxiety?

10-24-2011, 07:21 AM

I got diagnosed with having anxiety/gad about 6 months ago but recently ive been really lightheaded most of the time.

It started about 3 months ago where i was getting alot of eye floaters, felt lightheaded, and had a falling sensation whenever i turned around sharply. It didnt really effect my day to day business but recently the lightheadedness has got worse. I feel it all the time every day even whilst sitting down. Its been accompanied by nausea and also a weird falling sensation in the chest.

Its got to the stage where i cant really walk about anymore as it feels like after a while im about to faint. My eyes feel really disconnected and like they have trouble focussing. I haveniggling headaches and sometimes pain behind the eye. I have been to my doctor who thought it may of been an inner ear infection/vertigo but as i said the lightheadedness has been happening for at least 3 months now. im just a bit worried as ive only really had a blood test which was about 5 months ago. I know i shoudlnt worry as the doctors keep saying my heart is fine but cant help but feel like theyve missed something.

Does anyone esle experiance this all the time? If so are there any methods to cure the lightheadness? i can deal with everything else but this is really doing my head in .

10-24-2011, 07:27 AM
I have had all of those symptoms at one point or another, not to your extreme, but I know what it feels like. Recently my symptoms were shaking, heart pounding and tight chest, and paranoia. I felt like others could see into my head and see that I was self destructing. I found someone to talk too and it has helped me so much. I really encourage you to find a counselor and explore your symptoms if a MD hasn't been able to help you. :)

10-26-2011, 09:00 AM
Thanks babymuscles

10-26-2011, 05:50 PM
I get this exactly the same, i tend to go through stages where it is really bad, and then some days that are quite good. The thing i did was to start to try and gain some confidence when walking about with the lightheadedness. I had to start going on tiny walks (even three houses away) and always took someone with me to make me feel safer. I used to have this constanly 24 hrs a day, and it has got a bit better, but i had to accept it was just anxiety first (not that knowing that makes it any easier) !! I know just how you feel, any other symptoms i can handle, not the fainting/lightheaded/dizzy one though. It really is horrible.
I get that falling sensation to, its so hard to explain, but sometimes i will just be sitting there, and it feels like when you are on a rollercoaster and start going down a hill, that type of feeling. Have you tried Stemetil at all, its for nausea and dizziness and has helped me in the past a bit. xxxx