View Full Version : does anyone feel this?

10-20-2011, 07:25 AM
hello, i dont actually no what triggers my anxiety off but it just happens, im on 40 mg citalopram and been on them 3 4 weeks now, im also on propranodol for my physical side of anxiety, they do help but im slowly getting my old symptoms back.. bad dreams every night, broken sleep, pains in chest, headaches tension type.. and been feeling very faint like im going to pass out and see stars in my vision, can anyone relate to this?? is this all really just anxiety??


10-20-2011, 11:19 PM
hello, i dont actually no what triggers my anxiety off but it just happens, im on 40 mg citalopram and been on them 3 4 weeks now, im also on propranodol for my physical side of anxiety, they do help but im slowly getting my old symptoms back.. bad dreams every night, broken sleep, pains in chest, headaches tension type.. and been feeling very faint like im going to pass out and see stars in my vision, can anyone relate to this?? is this all really just anxiety??

Ya I take Citalopram over a year now. I do better taking it. I quit on my own felt good but one day I had a massive panic attack and went to ER and I was perfectly healthy as usual. The dreams usually go away. I always felt faint if I skipped a dose or two. Or too much soda. Alcohol is a bad with Citalopram. So I don't do that anymore. Chest pains are common. They go away. Just go for a walk. Listen to smooth jazz. Excercise. Eat fresh food. Cut sugar and caffine sleep 8 hours or 6. I think for any of us to beat anxiety we have to some how start winning these attacks and regain control mentally to be able to reprogram our brains back to where we use to be. Cause we have been weakened somehow.

10-21-2011, 09:41 AM
I'm new to this and am not on any meds right now because weight training and cardio, and good clean diet seem to help me out with the worst of it. Recently my anxiety got much worse so I started seeing a counselor. I'm new to the forum too, but my question to you is do you take care of yourself and exercise? I found that taking control of that aspect of my life helped me out a lot. Don't rely on trainers or nutritionists to fix it. Use there info and skills to empower yourself. :)

10-21-2011, 10:34 PM
hi babymuscles I agree with what you say a good clean diet and healthy lifestyle changed me completely.

10-22-2011, 01:40 AM
I know it is helping. I feel like I've ate so much processed foods over the years and it's possible that has contributed to unexplained bad feelings and episodes of anxiety when really I'm not stressed out. I never loved homemade salad so much in my life till now lol