View Full Version : severe anxiety when left alone

10-13-2011, 03:11 AM
hey all. im new here. i have been an anxiety sufferer for about 4 years now. as i move further and further through this journey i find more and more fears and phobias popping up. im currently experiencing the fear of being alone. when i find myself alone i instantly have a panic attack and i cannot calm down. im afraid to be alone for the fear that something will happen and ill be alone :( i was very sick at one point and i could not take care of myself. i was extremely lucky to have had my mom there to help me but im moving out in a few months and she wont always come to my rescue. my husband works very far from home so im kinda solo :/ what if im alone and extremely sick and i cant take care of myself? what if i just dont know why im sick and i dont know what to do? im newly married and im only 21 years old so im really new to this. my parents arent the type to come to the rescue. i have to be alone tomorrow and im just so scared. has anyone had this or going through this?! ideas or tips?? all convo is welcomed and i would appreciate it so much if someone had some light for me :/ im so tired of being stressed out over this stupid issue. im so stressed out and anxious that ,y hair is falling out :'(

11-26-2011, 07:10 PM
I feel the exact same way:( I experienced a panic attack about a month and a half ago and since then my anxiety level has been through the roof. I've tried meds and relaxation and nothing is working. I have barely left my house in a month in fear of having a panic attack in public. Im afraid that there is something seriously wrong with me health wise. I constantly feel shakey, weak, dizzy, have stomach, back, and chest pains. The thing that concerns me the most is the fact that my head and face feel constantly numb and I feel like I've lost sensation in my body. This has really crippled my life. I am no lOnger working and I just lay around and cry because I don't understand whats wrong with me. I also have a difficult time sleeping because I feel like my heart stops and jolts me awake. This all started with a ear infection and tinglyness in my head. I've been to the doctor several times. Had a normal ct and blood work was normal except my red blood cell count was a little high due to smoking. I'm just having a hard time believing that anxiety can cause all of this! Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

11-26-2011, 08:31 PM
I feel the same way. I have a lot of anxiety too bit lately I have had the most anxiety about being alone ro the point that I also have panic attacks when I am alone, esp if I am alone in my house. A lot has happened in my house (my dad n my grandma both died in my house and my ex boyfriend lived with me for a little over a year) so sometimes I feel like I am suffocating even being in the house, especially if I am alone. Anywyas I try to avoid being alone at al costs. Also I have trouble sleeping too because I am afraid I won't wake up or that I am.going to have a panic attack when I do. I have had a bunch of tests done n lots of bloodwork n all they found was low b12. I have trouble believing it is just anxiety too. I am constantly overanalyzing every symptom I have and thinking the worst. It's getting so bad that I can't enjoy life because I am constantly worrying. I just want my life back! It's so frustrating. And I feel like I have become very needy at 24 years old, have to have someone with me at all times, especially at night. This is hard also because my mom goes out a lot n isn't around much and my new boyfriend works midnights so he can't always be there either. Either way I hate being so dependent on others like this.

11-26-2011, 11:12 PM
Well your not alone! I feel the exact same way:( It sad because I'm only 27 and shouldn't feel this way! What do you expierence during a panic attack? Curious if we have any of the same symptoms? Best wishes!

11-27-2011, 09:43 PM
During a panic attack I get really light headed and feel like I am going to pass out. I also get a racing heart that feels like it is beating way too fast and like it is going to beat out of my chest. I also feel like I am suffocating and can't breathe, especially when I am in my house alone. Sometimes during an attack I also get shaky; either noticeably shaky on the outside or I feel like my insides are shaking. The other two symptoms I experience sometimes are getting really hot and my neck (around my lymph nodes) will start to hurt.