View Full Version : Depression linked to Vitamin Deficiency

09-27-2011, 12:41 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this group and I've struggled with anxiety and depression for many years. I'm no stranger to the common anti-depressant which seemed to work for awhile, but slowly it would lose its effect. I moved to an integrative medicine doctor because I was sick of taking meds and still not feeling great. He was so refreshing because he taught me about nutrient depletion and how medications can actually cause symptoms like anxiety, depression, mood disorders, fatigue, etc.

Long story short, I found out I was severely depleted in B12 along with a few other nutrients. I'm no longer on any medications. I've changed my diet. I'm exercising now (unheard of). Most importantly, though, I feel amazing.

Make sure you consider the side effects of meds before you go on then. Sometimes the negatives way outweigh the benefits. My doc also showed me a site which you all may find helpful. It's mytavin.com and it's a free online calculator that shows you how your medications may be depleting you of vitamins and the side effects associated with the depletion.

Anyway, hope that helps!


Tony Mathew
12-15-2011, 04:03 AM
Anticipatory anxiety is where a person experiences increased levels of anxiety by thinking about an event or situation in the future. The worries you experience specifically focus on what you think might happen, often with catastrophic predictions about the event.

To begin treating anticipatory anxiety, we must be able to admit that we cannot predict the future. Any scenario we are able to imagine is nothing more than speculation and fabrication.

When you find yourself wondering, "What if..." Stop! Take a deep breath; breathe in through the nose, hold the air in your lungs for a count of four, then slowly let the air out through the mouth. While you are doing this, consider the possibility that you are being unrealistic and irrational. Focus on positive or neutral outcomes.


12-18-2011, 07:52 AM
Hello Jen, Its really good to know this as i had a vitamin D deficiency and really low in myself so i would agree that there is other factors like diet e.t.c. that can help you feel better as i do not like to take meds either. Sometimes vitamin deficiencies can lead to depression so it best to check it out. Thank You. xxx

12-18-2011, 06:26 PM
I recently found out I am vit d deficient I was prescribed 50000 vit d . I am wondering if u have recovered and how long did it take? Also do u use any other supplements with vit d to help. Thank you in advance!