View Full Version : Im certain KNOW ONE else feel what im feeling?

09-24-2011, 03:33 AM
I woke up last night to go toilet got back in bed to carry on day dreaming and sleeping then it hits again all of a sudden when i close my eyes it feels like my hand,arms and head are getting bigger and bigger! i open my eyes and of course all is fine but close thm again and it happens again, then automaticly without much thinking sends my body into panic syptoms: my bowls become loose and that massive knot in my stomach happens, them i start swallowing more despite having nothing to swallow cos my mouth drys out, then the cold chills and the shakes and the twitches come on shortly followed by my body wating to start breathing really short and fast(this one i had under control) oh and then the feeling of being slightly paralized from the waist down and fear of loosing control,freaking out and going crazy just washes over you with pure fear!

This same thing happened to me last week however it was the day after a heavy night of drinking and more many years my anxiety is always worse on this day so despite that fact that it sh"t me up massivly i based it on being hungover, this time however i was not and had not drank a thing just all of a sudden it happened! iv never had this before and iv im honest im starting to think that this is def not normal and maybe i shoud see someone about it, im mean why on earth does it sometimes feel like my arms,hands and head are getting bigger and bigger? and it feels so real hence why i have to keep opening my eyes to realise its not, and my body automatically starts to go into panic mode due to how freaky it is and theres nothing i can do to stop it.

Im worried now that this is going to keep happening more and more, please guys does any one know why im feeling these weird sensations and what i can do to stop this happening, it really is terrafying!!

thank u

09-24-2011, 06:33 PM
I actually had something similar, all the way through childhood, through to adulthood, and to now. It sort of changed a little now. I always thought it was so odd. It wasn't just bigger though, it was smaller too. I would have this strange feeling as if my body was growing bigger, then I'd awaken in a bizarre state, and go back to sleep, and it would feel as if I was shrinking, and I'd have to get up and shake it off. I'll be honest, I'm not sure where it originates. All I know is that if I leave my stress levels unchecked, this is one of many symptoms that could rear its head. I can't offer you any specific help I'm afraid, without knowing much about you and your anxious triggers. It may be a feeling caused by the chemicals in your body becoming slightly out of whack like depersonalization, or it may be an obsession your mind has created, and can't release, causing you to feel these strange symptoms.

All I can say, is don't fight it. I know you don't like it. The bottom line however, is you aren't growing bigger, I don't think in the history of civilization has such a thing occured. The pain isn't happening in your body, it's happening in your mind. I do suggest strongly doing some research into lowering anxiety levels, as I feel this will help a lot. My way of coping is humour. When this happens to me now, and I wake up in a blind state of panic, I get up, get some water, and laugh my ass off about what a crazy S.O.B anxiety can be. Decide I'm too tired to play it's games, and let it know it can stay up all night messing about in it's freaky ways, but I'm playing no part in it, and will sleep. Funnily enough I've found the less I fight, the less I'm troubled.

I hope good health finds it's way back.

jon mike
10-05-2011, 12:48 AM
Ye I've had this, it's a sensation nothing more, sensations won't harm you, I'm the same, more prone to shit thinking after drinking to I find, I used to call this sensation 'big-little' :-) if you get it, I think this is a good title to understand! A pinhead could seem massive and a planet the size of a thumbnail, used to spiral me into a whole load of panic, strange, but only a thought!!! Thoughts and sensations won't harm you, so observe it and let it go, In my mind, obviously my vision, when I feel these things I observe them as a little boat no bigger than a shoe sailing down a small stream, I observe the boat and carry on watching it until eventually carries on straight past me, don't lean over and pick up the boat or you'll be playing with it for ages.

jon mike
10-05-2011, 12:53 AM
Also listen more to people like the person above me, that's some real advice! And very true and exactly what I would have said if I wasn't such a god damn hippy! ;-)

10-05-2011, 04:39 AM
thanks for your replies guys its much appreciated. i actually went to my doctors on monday morning about this as it does seem to keep happening every now and again, i obviosly said to my dr that i feel im going crazy,this weird thing happens to me when my hands feel like they are big and it send me straight into panick mode, i have now got to the point where im scared of being scared, and i worry about not wanting to worry, she reassured me and said im not going crazy however in my mind i still feel this is just the start of a massive downward spiral, she gave me Citalpram to take one a day and suggested i go for some counceling.

I think thoughts can be damaging, the mind is such a powerfull thing and with myself it seems like my mind can think anything it wants and i will belive it and feel it as if it was real life, i cant tell the difference! half the time i dont even no why i feel anxious or why im panicking i just know that now i have the huge fear of NOT wanting to feel any of these sensations again that of course im thinking about them and making it happen but i dont no how to stop.

I wouldnt wish what i feel (and many others here) on my worst enemy, its taking over my life.

jon mike
10-07-2011, 12:44 AM
It's the Chinese finger trap, the more you struggle, the more you'll suffer, accept accept accept!!!! Drugs are only temps, you need to let it run through you, observe it as a thought and aThought only, because that's what they are! Easiest and quickest way to be honest if u live in uk, go to docs, tell him you want cbt, get on the list, maybe 6 weeks? Read up on cbt! This will pull you through, search my old post on here so you no I have done it! It was called 'my anxiety story....so far! Sorry for the rushy reply gotta go to work, pm me if you still struggle!! Jon

10-07-2011, 08:15 AM
Definitely agree with Jon,

I can't believe your doctor hasn't referred you. I would go back and ask for a referral. It will open your eyes as to the mind, and the thinking traps we fall into every day unknowingly.

In reference to my post above, and yours about your mind believing thoughts, that's what CBT will teach you (and especially meditation); How to ignore it, and, as does a screaming child who realises he isn't gonna get his own way after 30 mins of screaming without any attention, the mind starts to play ball with you again, as it realises that's the only way things will get done.