View Full Version : How do I work with anxiety panic attacks and depression

09-23-2011, 03:36 AM
Hello I am rainy and I am new ;)

I had a burn out a few years ago and was left in serious stress for most part of it while I battled through some legal personal situation. This year I started a new job and starting having colleague issue's ... I found that when I had to deal with this issue I would have a extreme anxiety and later panic attacks....I thought I had PMS or was just still fragile from the burn-out. However I noticed that just a couple of months ago I started getting heart palpitation 5-10 a day I always had then but not this many a day ( I have hypertention too). Just a few weeks ago I was told my job was over and I had a massive breakdown for days- crying anxiety-panic-heart palpitation the lot and now depression ( I must admit for a long time i didn't know i had anxiety or suffered panic attacks and this made me miserable at work not knowing what was wrong with me) I lost my job because my employer thaught I was unhappy in the job and so did I to a certain extent!. since the emotions were out of control over loseing my job(which I felt was not a normal responce) - I went to the doctor and she said I have a over load of stress hormones because I have been in stress too long and this is what is causing my fragile state. I am now on bete blockers that effect the b1 receptors in the heart and I feel ok for a few hours after taking this medicatio, then after this I start to feel anxiety and tense up again and just about anything sets me of crying again.
I want to know if anyone is working and is learning to deal with this at work and how they do it?
Many Thanks for your advice