View Full Version : Anxiety help

09-14-2011, 12:02 PM
im new to the forum, I havnt been diagnosed with anxiety yet, as I have a doctors appt on Monday.

But I wanted to discuss/get a few things of my chest with people already diagnosed and hopefully get some help/advice.

I have always been bad at tripple checking doors and that things are turned off etc, but recently it has become really bad!
I am now starting to worry about stupid things ie what if I didnt lock the door or turn the oven and always think what could happen! I am recently having anxiety/worry attacks after Ive driven and worry about if ive hit someones car, even though I know I havent done anything!!

is this normal anxiety behaviour and can anyone offer any advice??

thanks xx

09-14-2011, 01:01 PM
Hi scilla,

It sure sounds like a mix between normal anxiety and maybe some OCD. You can get through this, though. Just imagine all the other people who forgot to lock their doors once and a while, or forgot to turn the oven off. Bad things don't always happent ot hem. And sometimes you hit someone's car, but usually it's just a scratch.

For some of your works like locking the door, etc., maybe it will help to create a to-do list or checklist every day with these items on it, to help you be CERTAIN that you have done your tasks.

Hope this helps. good luck!

Anxiety beater
09-14-2011, 03:32 PM
Hi Scilla - this does sound like behaviour generated by anxiety, possibly an element of OCD as Taylor says - it's good that you're going to get help - the important thing to realise is that if you DO have anxiety, it's something you can get over - it will take some effort and commitment on your part, but it's something that lots of us have suffered from and managed to overcome. A bit of a danger of being 'diagnosed' with anxiety is that you start seeing it as a 'medical' problem that will be cured with a pill - most types of anxiety aren't actually helped that much by medication - it's more of a behavioural/adjustment disorder that's usually best treated with psychological approaches. But a complete cure is definitely possible, and the sooner you recognise your problem and start getting some help and advice, the better. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

09-14-2011, 06:23 PM
This behavior is very consistent with OCD. The anxiety you are experiencing is probably caused from the OCD, if you are like me. I also have OCD and a lot of my anxiety is caused from it. For example, if my house is messy, my anxiety level is super high. I would discuss with your doctor a combination of therapy and medication to alleviate you of your symptoms. Best of luck to you.

09-14-2011, 11:26 PM
I suffered with OCD more as a child even though I still deal with minor symptoms of it now. I know how frustrating it can get but it's great that you're getting help for it. Maybe look into CBT. Best of luck and let us know how you do! :)

09-15-2011, 01:15 PM
thanks for all your advice its great to know this happen to other people as well, will let you know how I get on at the docotrs!!

in the mean time im trying to stay positive and trying hard not to get anxious!!


09-15-2011, 11:03 PM
Sounds like a good plan. You can do this!

09-16-2011, 10:13 AM
Sounds alot like OCD to me.

09-17-2011, 03:35 AM
Sounds alot like OCD to me.

I second this, it sounds extremely like an OCD tendancy.