View Full Version : Fear of 2012?

08-25-2011, 11:58 PM
Are you afraid of the whole 2012 thing?
I am kind of convinced that we will have a total breakdown of society which is making me anxious, this economy is going down and New World Order is creeping in... There are vicious wars going on in the world...
Also natural disasters have become more frequent and what will happen in 21Dec2012 we don't know but shall see, also I think that we are going to have an alien disclosure very soon...

08-26-2011, 11:23 AM
ohh man, Im taking a course on natural disasters and its my professors last semester and he is just tearing it up. The thing is, the best thing that can happen to humans is a severe reduction in population. If a total catastrophe happened and diminished population, yes it would bring down current society but it would halt the destruction of the planets natural resource and come to a natural equilibrium. I look at anything that can help change the path that humans are taking as a good thing, and I think with that mind set you will not be afraid but look at it from a different perspective, the human perspective. Sorry for such a opinionated passage but Im hung over and JUST got out of that class.


08-26-2011, 02:05 PM
ohh man, Im taking a course on natural disasters and its my professors last semester and he is just tearing it up. The thing is, the best thing that can happen to humans is a severe reduction in population. If a total catastrophe happened and diminished population, yes it would bring down current society but it would halt the destruction of the planets natural resource and come to a natural equilibrium. I look at anything that can help change the path that humans are taking as a good thing, and I think with that mind set you will not be afraid but look at it from a different perspective, the human perspective. Sorry for such a opinionated passage but Im hung over and JUST got out of that class.


That's total eugenics brainwash right there... the world isn't overpopulated it's what the eugenicist say to kill billions of people so they can control us better and bring in the New World Order...

Look they are imploding the economy right now, total anarchy is coming and society will break down, also the 2012 thing is coming and alien disclosure.

Life will never be the same, 2 years from now we will be living in a surreal world, if we are living at all by then.

08-26-2011, 03:19 PM
so your saying that 7 billion people and growing Is not a problem. as a deer hunter I disagree completely. Conservation laws are put in place to keep deer from over populating and putting too much pressure on their environment. We, however, have no regulations on population and continue to extend the human lifetime. I came to the same conclusion on my own years ago, he just is passionate about it. Im not saying kill people who are weak or old or anything. Humans just need a huge ego check, and that includes politician. Western society in general.


08-26-2011, 03:46 PM
Humans just need a huge ego check, and that includes politician. Western society in general.


Tell me about it. The arrogance of mankind is sickening at times. It's scary to think what will happen in the future, when we can cure diseases, and living standards go up in Africa and India, and instead of 1 billion wanting luxuries, we will have close to 10Billion wanting luxuries, to fly everywhere, have gadgets and cars and produce tonnes of waste. And what will we do when the rain forest has finally run out, and our air so polluted.

I think anxiety stems solely from the Ego too, this sense of immense importance that every single aspect of our life is of such grandeur that it must be perfect and as we say. That we must be untouchable and in control of every aspect of our existence. I think once the ego is toned down somewhat, anxiety reduces significantly too. The only problem is, the Ego is so engraned into our society. Just look at TV, if you're not a 6'+, college graduate with a pretty girlfriend, a new 4x4, stylish clothes and the seasons latest gadgets you're a 'nobody' as far as the western world is concerned. It's gonna be mega hard to undo all those centuries of social conditioning, in order to get humanity to take a different stance on things. Nobody wants to make the first move. Everybody agrees something should be done, but it shouldn't be them who has to sacrifice. I mean look at who we idolize, celebrities, and athletes. There is an obsession, especially in the west, that you need to out do everybody, that you have to have ridiculous luxury in order to be something. Look at the Kardashian wedding, a nation fascinated by egotism and greed.

One thing's for sure, nature could wipe us off the planet instantly if it wanted. When you look at it, we're becoming a sort of bacteria, that's breeding rapidly, and destroying that which is healthy in the eco system. And as biology and nature tell us. When an imbalance occurs, there is devastating consequence.

It's like the black plague, that occurred in Europe, 50% of the population was wiped out, but those that survived had their pick of jobs, more food, more space, better living quality.

What does your proff. say about how he thinks it all pan's out? War's? Natural disaster? Anarchy?

08-26-2011, 06:40 PM
My professor is a genius. He says the biggest disaster is young people not voting and wasting education. He thinks things need to change as well, but he said himself, he doesn't know how either. He says that the "have nots" are outnumbering the haves by 8:1 and that it will continue to grow, and that attacks on the developed world will continue until its resolved.