View Full Version : New here, having trouble coping with life in general

08-24-2011, 10:03 AM
Hey everyone. My name is Morgan, and I joined this forum to hopefully get some help with my problems. For starters, I'm only 17 and I started a new job in food service a little over a month ago. I've always had some anxiety problems, but nothing as bad as now. I used to work in a greenhouse, and for the first few days, I hated it and felt like crying every time I was on my way there. After about a week, I got comfortable with it, and got to know the employees, made friends, and was fine. Due to it being seasonal, I needed to find another job. I work at Target now, in the snackbar/starbucks area. The work is more mentally demanding, as I am always by myself trying to do everything, preparing food, cashiering, cleaning, and stocking. It doesn't sound like it should be that hard, and it really isn't, but for some reason I just cannot get over the anxiety like the first job. The days when I open, it isn't quite as bad, but when I don't go in until 3, I wake up at 6:30 all on my own and just spend the entire day sobbing until I have to suck it up and get to work. On top of all that, my boyfriend just left for a military college, and I have no way of contacting him for the first 10 days, let alone seeing him for the entire school year and I used to spend much of my free time with him. The anxiety started before he left, and before we got into a serious relationship, but him leaving only adds to the stress. I told my mom today that I think I need to see a doctor, because I just cannot take feeling like this anymore. I don't want to kill myself, I just want to stop feeling sad all the time. I want to be happy, but it seems like no matter what good things happen, I cannot get out of it. If anyone has anything similar to this, and/or knows what might help me, please reply.