View Full Version : Weak adrenal gland cause of anxiety?

08-14-2011, 11:51 AM
I've suffered with anxiety for nearly 8 years. It has totally overshadowed my twenties, although I have stubbornly fought it to get through uni and to becoming a history teacher. I've always been confident and part of 'the popular' gang. I have no specific fear, and so a massive part of my struggle has been to ask why??? My symptoms have largely included Derealisation, a side effect of anxiety, which has been hell. But also the physical feeling throughout my whole body. The 'electric shock' i get when startled. Generally feeling physically horrible and as if my nervous system has gone nuts. Well, I'm lookin to see if anybody knows of any relation between anxiety and a weak adrenal gland? Anything you can do to strenghten it and stop it pumping out adrenalin and cortisol making me fell like crap constantly?

08-14-2011, 03:13 PM

Weak adrenals. A very common cause of stress and illness these days. What with bad diets, added stress and a 24/7 world.

I wouldn't be surprised if most people here's adrenals are exhausted.

A good check up is always a good place to start. Your standard blood test will be a good place to begin. That will check for blood sugar issues, and thyroid complaints.

A really good place to go then is getting your other hormonal levels checked. Getting testosterone and cortisol levels checked will give good insights into any possible hormonal reasons for sickness.

You can also do saliva tests to diagnose adrenal fatigue, but it's not always covered or available in certain places.

Holistically, Vitamin C at 3000mg +, and a B supplement are helpful for weak adrenals.

The book Adrenal Fatigue: A 21st century syndrome, is worth it's weight in gold if you believe you have an adrenal problem, or want to go about treating one.

08-19-2011, 03:13 AM
Thanks for the reply and the advice. Just looked into it and good to know that there are supplements out there to help. Don't think I can handle being fobbed off by my GP any longer with, "it's just anxiety, try taking up a hobbie and relax"! Yeah, let me know if anything works for you and I'll do the same. Thanks again. Take it easy!