View Full Version : Anxiety all my life

07-23-2011, 08:29 PM
I've hand anxiety all my life. I'm a teenager now and have almost every symptom that anxiety causes. I always feel like im about to faint, but i don't. I take zoloft and it helped me for awhile but i gradually went back to the way i felt before i started medication. I don't hang out with friends anymore and it's like torture to have to leave my house. I'm always afraid i have some serious illness that my doctors aren't finding. Does anyone else feel this way too? How do you deal with it?

07-24-2011, 12:41 AM
I have always thought over the last 18 months that my doctors were missing something, until finally i realised that it was all from my anxiety. Eventually (although it was hard) i started to be able to ignore the symptoms once i knew there was nothing wrong with me, and once i could ignore them to some degree, the symptoms reduced majorly. now i just tend to take each day as it comes, if i feel awful one day, i just go with it and rest and know that tomorrow will be better (it did take me a while to get to this point though). I know how you feel about going outside your house also, as this is something i rarely do now, but i have started going for tiny walks each day (not very far from home, but at least i am out of the house i guess). It is a long and hard road to get back to being able to managing anxiety, and also a bit of a learning curve, but rest assured you have all of us here to support you as well.
I see a psychologist, and do meditation and CBT therapy, so maybe some of these things could help you as well.
Wishing you all the best, and hope you are feeling okay xx