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07-18-2011, 11:44 AM
please bear with me, I am new to this...I am molly b was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with ongoing nausea with anxiety...or if this is a medical problem even though have had extensive tests...thanks for your help

07-18-2011, 02:53 PM
Hi Mollyb,

I have had anxiety for a little less than a week now, accompanied with a nauseated feeling (before and after eating). It's a side effect of having anxiety, or panic, or guilt in your life. You should find the route cause of why you are feeling this way, and work on it.

07-18-2011, 03:24 PM
Hi Molly and welcome to the forum :-)
I have had all the tests available too, and have also felt extremely nauseus (sometimes for weeks at a time) and it definitely flares up when my anxiety is bad, and then settles down again. Take confidence from the fact that you have had the tests, and that nothing medical is wrong. Eating something small regularly helped me a lot, and once i accepted that it was just my anxiety and stopped worrying about something being wrong with me, it has settled down a lot. I still get it sometimes, but not to the degree that i had it before.
Take care xx

08-05-2011, 06:10 AM
Hi Molly,
I get nausea due to anxiety, my doctor gave me Domperidone (not the wine ;) ) which is to prevent nausea and vomiting. It also helps loss of appetite, I think it can sometimes work wonders. I'm not sure if you can buy it over the counter or if you need a doctor...
Hope this helps

08-05-2011, 02:23 PM
Hi Molly, I get this too. In April I spent four days feeling so ill I only ate two slices of toast the whole time. I thought I had a bug, but the anxiety was too strong alongside it, so I knew it wasnt. You can buy domperidone its sold as motilium 30 in the chemist. I buy it myself. The last two days have been bad for me too. Sorry you have this, its very debilitating isnt it? Good luck