View Full Version : Could anxiety make you feel so different?

07-11-2011, 09:54 AM
Soo as im waiting for my MRI scan i wanted to share my feelings and see if i have anything in common with someone, for the past 2 and a half weeks ever since the day one i've been feeling different, i mean there's pressure in my head pain in my jaws,my eyes i have twitching in my body i can barely fall asleep i had some other stuff before aswell, some symptoms dissapear and are instantly changed by others , but there is always this heavy weight on my head and my body i just feel like im a different person and i'll never be the same again , do u know what i mean? it's just that, i feel fucked,i cant even think about the future cuz i dont believe im going to make it,the strangest thing about it is that when i wake up in the morning i feel fine , so perfectly fine , i go to the shower and it hits me like "oh wait this cant be so good" and boom it all comes down on me again... well idk whatever... maybe u can relate

07-11-2011, 02:17 PM
I've been here, I was for like 2 years I had brain tumor/cancer and that I wasnt going to see the future, and the stress/anxiety causes some dam stupid physical symptoms. I had an MRI and CT scan of brain also ( both normal )

I never liked the feeling of " will I ever be the same again " and to be honest, I am not the same now as I was before anxiety, I dont really remember myself before all this set in like 4 years ago, but I feel better now, occasional relapse which I dont know why but I think thats normal for anxiety sufferers.

Always helps to try and get something to occupy your mind, I always tell myself I feel stupid when I start feeling "weird" or funny, usually works. Takes alot to push it to the back of your head though...

07-11-2011, 05:42 PM
I have been feeling weird for about a month. I have good days where I think anxiety is just me and is stupid. Then Ill have it and think that I'm going crazy or losing control of my emotions. I hope its all normal but I feel like I am actually losing it alot of the time. I lose hope sometimes but I know that I dont always feel this way and wont always feel this way, I just need to find a way to cope and I think you do too.

Good luck