View Full Version : Worrying about going crazy and existence.

07-09-2011, 11:01 PM
I have a doctors appointment August 2nd for a physical and they told my mom that's the earliest they had. It just so happens my previous therapist told me to ask the doctor about starting medication for depression/anxiety at my physical. This may seem fine and dandy, but a few days ago I began having things I never had before, full out panic attacks with numbness, tingling, and weird movement that felt like my arms/hands were kind of in water or "lagging" for lack of better terms whenever they touched things. Due to this I've been very anxious over the past few days. I've been occasionally worrying about going crazy or losing control. My next issue is relatively new. A few weeks ago I tried recreational drugs for the first and LAST time I smoked a legal incense that made me trip where I was stuck in a time loop for a little(seeing and hearing my cousin say the same thing over and over again) and according to him and my grandparents I fell down the steps and was "out cold" at which time I had VERY disturbing things happen. I forgot everything, including words, even the word "word" if you know what I mean. I forgot sights, everything was gone except pure emotion, which I didn't even know what that was. And all I saw was weird brownish colors swirling that looked like rock, and my entire field of vision consisted of it, there was no black around the edges and it seemed like I felt random sensations of physical pain, as though I was being drug/ground through the rock swirls. When I "woke up" I had flashing vision, which I kind of thought was time still replaying, strange hot/tingling numb feeling all over and vomited very badly multiple times. I'm guessing the numbness and some of the feeling was from my first ever panic attack. Anyway, to get to the point, I was fine after a few days I had gotten over the whole thing. But a few days ago when I woke up in the panic attack I came into a very anxious mood, which caused another panic attack that night - haven't had one since then thankfully but the worry of having one is still here. But this is when I started over-thinking existence, again relating back to that bad trip where I felt like I was basically just an entity. I don't have hallucinations or anything to that effect, I was diagnosed with depressive disorder not otherwise specified and anxiety issues. The worrying about existence and things being real isn't a 24/7 thing, earlier today I was in a decent mood and felt like the thoughts about existence were totally wrong and irrational so I didn't really think about it. But as my mood changes more negatively I get more anxious and think about it, it's really a dreadful feeling to think life itself is an illusion of the universe or something, it's difficult to explain but has caused me extreme anxiety the past few days. I normally have anxiety for a week or so then get over it, so this isn't extremely strange to me but the thoughts about existence really freak me out and make me panic. Also, I get all of my wisdom teeth extracted July 19th which has me a little anxious as well. I'm currently on no medications except taking over the counter diphenhydramine( basically benadryl) sleep aid to help me fall asleep faster every night and also not currently seeing a therapist since my old one wasn't doing me any good. I'm not in school anymore and I don't work right now, currently in a very slow process of switching between the two so I am sitting at home all day every day.

My question is, do you think it's possible I could get an earlier appointment than August 2nd? It seems like they make physicals and the like low priority or something? I really want to get started on medication as soon as possible because I'm really feeling terrible, and probably get a new therapist as well since my last one didn't help me at all.