View Full Version : my eyes are killing me!..help

07-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Hey guys..
27 year old male here. To start off with, I'm not taking any medication for anxiety, nor have i ever taken any. I just wanted to find out if my eye problem may be related to anxiety. I am an overall anxious person, constantly stressing and worrying. My problem however is my eyes. My sleep is unrefreshing and everyday I wake up feeling as if i didnt catch a wink. The rest of the day i feel tired out and slightly drowsy. My eyes feel heavy from the moment I wake up, this constant pressure behind the eyes which never seems to go away. To add to this I feel like I have brain fog, I cant think clearly and it feels as if its the dull ache and pressure behind the eyes that wont let me think as sharply as I could before. I've had these symptoms since the past 4-5 years now. I did go to an optometrist who checked for intraocular pressure but he said my eyes were fine, at the same time detecting from my eyes that my blood pressure was slightly up. I am taking meds for my blood pressure which is perfectly fine now but I really need to get rid of this pressure behind my eyes because its driving me crazy. Very rarely (once a month for a couple of minutes) when the pressure goes away I can think perfectly fine but when its there it seems my vocabulary gets shot as well as my short term memory somewhat.

are these symptoms of anxiety? is it true being constantly stressed out can tense the muscles behind the eyes creating this ache/pressure?

would be grateful for absolutely any input or advice you could offer. my apologies for the english as its not my first language.