View Full Version : The Linden Method

06-05-2011, 11:04 AM
Hi. I wondered if someone here have tried the Linden method?
Google it if you don't heard of it.

I will try it myself, I mean.. I may sound too good, but why not?

Also wondered, the last days I felt derealisation etc when I got no anxiety feeling.. I mean, Let's say there's 20 people outside, at a party, and I'm about to walk out and introduce myself.. I'm not scared of it, but still feel the derealisation (like, is this real? blabla (ofcourse I know it is, but, you know..) I not at all always like that, but experienced it yesterday.. I also wanted to "test" myself, so I imagined meeting a beautiful girl outside (one I know) and then got the anxiety feeling.. So, I guess it is all anxiety-related.. Little clumsy written, but I think you get it..


06-06-2011, 11:50 AM
If you want to save a bunch of money get the CBT book by Sam Obitz (www.tao3.com) and use the TEA form exercise in it every day. They work really well and you'll only spend $15-20 and save hundreds. Better yet read the book at your library and it won't cost you anything. The TEA forms are reall simple and the book is short and easy to read as well.

06-07-2011, 09:36 AM
Thanks for answering. What is CBT therapy? Will this help against derealisation/depersonalisation too?

06-10-2011, 06:33 AM
Linden method is very good, it helps a lot and has all the do's & don'ts to get rid of anxiety & most of the symptoms.

07-14-2011, 01:25 PM
Thanks for answering. What is CBT therapy? Will this help against derealisation/depersonalisation too?

You're welcome. I never really suffered from those so I am not sure. It's amazing for anxiety and depression and I am told OCD and eating disorders but not sure about derealisation/depersonalisation; sorry.
Hopefully someone else here can answer regarding those :)

10-26-2011, 07:09 PM
If you want to save a bunch of money get the CBT book by Sam Obitz (www.tao3.com) and use the TEA form exercise in it every day. They work really well and you'll only spend $15-20 and save hundreds. Better yet read the book at your library and it won't cost you anything. The TEA forms are reall simple and the book is short and easy to read as well.

So true. I hate all the commercial hijacking of CBT by Linden and other like Lucinda Bassett.

10-26-2011, 07:54 PM
I have recovered from my anxiety/panic disorder and I did the Linden Method. One of the many methods I used. It is good and it was exactly what I needed at the time. His 10 pillars were so perfect for me. The MP3s that come with it I used a lot and were very helpful. It is not a scam.

But it is possible he makes up stuff to sell his product, I am not sure. He talks alot about the amigdala being set to too high and this needs to be reset. Now, what he is saying is absolutely true about your nervous system set too high and it needs to be adjusted and by making new neural pathways you override the old ones. My only beef is if it really is in the amigdala or he just thinks it sounds good. I don't know.

But we can't get too nit picky and be so paranoid. We have to just try whatever it takes to get us better. Who cares if he's a salesman if the product helps.

What I didn't like was the emphasis on putting anxiety in the back of your mind instead of dealign with it. I get his point, but that aspect I didn't grove with. For example, what he did was get into photography and he focused all his efforts on his photography hobby, that it helped take his mind off his anxiety and make new neural pathways in his brain. That is good, but I am someone who really likes to get down to the absolute source of the problem. Still though, his methods are helpful. But he has a great voice to listen to. If he offers a money back guarantee and you are interested in getting it, I would suggest it.

But I did get in a bit of an argument with Charles and his wife over email. I wrote about it in my sticky thread.

The program I liked the best though was David Johnson's Freedom From Fear program. That was one I recommend the highest. Also the book and MP3 about Buteyko breathing tecniques by Patrick McKeown called Anxiety Free.

This is what I truly recommend. When it comes to getting over anxiety, DON'T BE CHEAP! Do any therapy that you think will help, and if they offer a money back guarantee, you will get your money back if you aren't satisfied. Like Panic Puzzle I tried. It wasn't anything new for me at that point in my life, having already gone through the Linden Method, so I asked for my money back and he gave it to me. Panic Away didn't work for me and I got my money back too. Freedom From Fear by David Johnson I loved so much, and he talked to me on Skype 2-3 times, I didn't ask for my money back because I thought it was great.

So, what I am saying is Linden Method wasn't everything I needed and it wasn't a cure all for me, but it was a major stepping stone and did help me a lot. On my path from anxiety to normal, it was a great help along the way. And that is what a healing path is. it is a path.