View Full Version : What's wrong with me?

05-29-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi, I'm so glad I found this forum.

I don't really know how to begin, but I've had anxiety for about two years now, since my girlfriend left me (It all started to go wrong). I've had my ups and downs but in general I feel very nervous, sometimes shaky, unconfident and unsure of myself. My head is constantly(!) running thoughts, often unrealistic, dreamy 'what if' thoughts.. I also fear that I am wasting my youth on these thoughts and unsureness.. I often question myself 'who am I?' .. I mean, deep inside I know, and I do remember my life with no worries.. But now-a-days I'm so unsure, also thinking that I now going crazy, for real. I find myself often thinking thoughts I don't want to think of but "must do it", and that makes me soo mentally tired. The last weeks I have been thinking "oh, what if I got schizophrenia?", and almost refused myself to try to get better, because "hey, i got schizophrenia, so I will be mentally ill forever.." I kind of think "ofcourse I dont have schizo...", but another part of me do think I have..so.. I was really wondering, do any of you think I may have schizophrenia? Or is this thoughts etc normal with the anxiety? Must also mention I've had several periods with depression, and often find myself in a "not happy, not sad, I just don't care" mood... Some answers would be so great.

Take care folks.

05-29-2011, 04:18 PM
OMG i cannot begin to tell you how many people with anxiety think they may be schizo.just search the word schizophrenia on here and see where tons of other people nask the same thing. i have that fear myself. ill get over and realize okay i guess i not schizo, then a couple days later ill start thinking about it again. it's super annoying. then every thought i have ill be like "oh know only a schizo would think that". lol. i was actually doing it yesterday, but now today im over it. so maybe im bipolar hahahahha. yeah i have those moods all the time too. i think it's because our minds our always thinking about anxiety and what if this what if that. i mean who can actually be happy when all you can think of is what the hell is wrong with me...... i dont think your schizo. or maybe we both are, hahaahaha im kidding.

jon mike
05-30-2011, 03:59 AM
Ye I thought I was for years, all bullshit again, just stuck in a bucket of anxiety like the rest of us, things can only get better

05-30-2011, 08:21 AM
Thanks for the comments guys, really appreciate it. It's so annoying, I mean, I can work all day, and don't think much about it, but still all these thoughts running through my head.. Makes it difficult to concentrate on things.. But as you say Jon mike, things can only get better. I will work hard for this, and I know things will be like it was. It must be.

Itz Omi
05-30-2011, 02:34 PM
No, you're not schizo! Lots of us with anxiety have a lot of "brain chatter." Health anxiety has a connection with OCD.