View Full Version : anyone take cymbalta??

05-18-2011, 02:00 PM
okay so the doc started me on cymbalta 20mg 5 days ago. it's been crazy. my anxiety is worse then ever, depressed, drowsy all day long, can't concentrate, i feel really weird. beginning to think im losing my mind. i have really weird thoughts about stuff that makes no sense at all. when im trying to sleep ill start dreaming and jolt myself awake, and then wonder if that really happened or if it was a dream. should i keep taking it or will this stuff wear off after a couple weeks. i dont wanna keep taking it and go nuts or something. what should i do?

05-18-2011, 03:52 PM
thanks for the reply! wow, yeah this stuff is pretty harsh. iv already tried like 4 other meds, and none worked so i really wanted to give it a good chance. but i think i will go ahead and stop taking it. so you were on it for 4 months? im so sick of alll these meds. maybe i can cope without them, we will see. iv only been on it for 5 days how, how long do you think it will take me to get back to normal once i stop it?

05-18-2011, 05:42 PM
i take a benzo also, kolonipin, but not very often. honestly i haven't done anything for it besides meds. i have done alot of research, and just started reading some books on cbt and coping with panic and stuff like that. i just wish i could break this cycle. i think about it 24/7, it's exhausting! how do you cope? any tips would be great!

05-19-2011, 05:14 PM
Speaking of time, there is a little secret that the doctors, therapists, and pharmaceutical companies are hoping that you will NEVER learn. Specifically, for alot of people, all it takes to get over problems like depression and anxiety disorder is just the passage of time. That's right, for a large percentage of people who have developed depression or anxiety, it will just go away over time, and with no additional interventions. Granted, doing things like self-help CBT will speed it along. But, for the most part, it's time that heals depression and anxiety. So what's the catch? A couple of things, actually. First of all, I'm not talking a couple of weeks or a month here. And very likely, I'm not talking six months, either. Complete recovery from anxiety disorder can easily take a few years. But even within six months, you will probably notice you are getting better. The other thing to keep in mind is that recovery is NOT a steady process. Sometimes, you feel like things are getting worse. This can quite a while. And it can actually lead to additional stress, which sometimes perpetuates anxiety disorder. The key here is to learn to accept these setbacks and NOT get all caught up in what it was that could possibly have triggered them. The more you accept them, the shorter they will last.

05-22-2011, 02:25 PM
thank guys. im trying so hard not to take the meds. my doc stopped the cymbalta and started prozac, and i refuse to take it. i want so bad to fight this on my own but it's so hard. i had a good day yeaterday. then all the sudden today it's back to hell. im super depressed today, probably because i feel like i took a 2 steps back. it's so frustrating. i know it takes time, that just stresses me out even more. it's like how much of my life am i gonna have to waste to anxiety before it finally goes away.i want my life back, i want to move on, get a job, be normal. all of that just seems so out of reach. also im so irritable all the time. did you guys get like that. and if so how did you cope with that. i seem to lose my temper way to easily. i have a son goin through terrible two's right now. i need to learn how to stop being so irritable so i can actually enjoy spending timew with him. and the fact that i dont because im anxious and depressed, well that just makes me feel guilty and something else to worry about. sorry im kinda all over the place. im a mess today. anymore pointers guys?

05-23-2011, 03:59 PM
do you guys know anything about fish oil? i hear it's good for the brain. just curious. i started taking some multi vitamins, and thinking about adding fish oil.....

05-24-2011, 04:30 PM
do you guys know anything about fish oil? i hear it's good for the brain. just curious. i started taking some multi vitamins, and thinking about adding fish oil.....

You may or may not find that fish oil helps. But given the fact that it is cheap, readily available, and can help in other ways (such as improving cholesterol), you might as well give it a try.