View Full Version : Anti-depressants...stopped the racing thoughts but have left me with a 'cloud'

05-15-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi everyone. I have started taking Fluoxetine (20mgs) again and I'm feeling a bit strange. It has definitely helped stop all the racing thoughts but I dont feel happy.
I just feel like some sort of black cloud is hanging over me. I can't really describe it.
Like its numbed and desensitised all my feelings? Does anyone think I could just be over thinking things and am not used to the peace and quiet in my head so to speak. Like this is the calm after the storm and its all a bit unnerving???

I just want to stop taking them but I know this would be silly.
I feel angry because in a way its as if when anxiety isnt there and Ive stopped thinking like a mad woman I dont really feel like 'me'. But I know this is the real me...calm, rational, logical but I just feel a bit empty somehow.

God...does any of this make sense to anyone please???????????


05-15-2011, 03:24 PM
It's hard to say. On one hand, you may just not be used to not having racing thoughts. But on the other hand, feeling emotionally 'numb' and 'spacey' is a common side effect of antidepressants.

05-18-2011, 12:01 PM
I do find it makes sense...

why do you think stop taking them would be silly?

05-26-2011, 05:54 PM
I have a similar experience, although I put it all down to different symptom, same condition. I've tried a few meds, and with every one came a different feeling, sometimes that numbness, and emptiness is also a sign of the emotional blunting associated with anxiety, and the medication is simply allowing it to come out in a new way. It always seems the grass is greener with anxiety, we have one symptom, and hate it, then it goes, and something else comes, and we hate that, and convince ourselves the other one was easier as it's out of mind, then it usually comes back and we rediscover how awful it was again. Sadly it seems life becomes about choosing the lesser of the evils for a while.

I've had times on medication, where I feel that the SAS could burst into my house shouting, and I wouldn't flinch, and times where I feel so empty, and flat I can't ever imagine it leaving. I put it all down to the levelling of anxiety, certain chemicals and hormones attempting to be rebalanced, or recorrected, and the body getting it pretty wrong for a while. Sadly, anxiety has such an effect on the body, and brain, that various other symptoms such as apathy, blunting, emptiness, and also depression can cycle themselves round, and peer their ugly heads when we think we are over the worst. I would personally give your body a long time, it needs it, the process of healing is very deceiving. Many things can appear otherwise. I think 20mg is a low dose. I'm not sure it would blunt you dramatically so to speak, unless you've been on it 3 years+ or under 3 months, then the body may be readjusting again, or gaining tolerance. Don't forget, those symptoms are also symptoms of depression, and an exhausted body, which both accompany anxiety in some way, and maybe as your thoughts are slowing, your body is able to go to the next step, and get the emotional issue out in the open. Of course maybe talking to your doctor about in depth side effects, or changing, or a possible drug holiday could reap rewards, and help you to find out.

I sympathize with you though, after feeling awful for so long, it's such an unusual feeling during those moments when it's lifted, for instance just walking to the shop today, I felt rather cheerful, and managed to de-fragmentize my emotions feeling I was somewhat manic, or keyed up, or high, just as I was used to being low for so long. Other days I could win the lottery and simply be Meh! I put it down to my body numbing up for a bit, to protect from damage, and within time, it will slowly start to open up, and rebalance itself. You'll probably receive many more complex, confusing symptoms and emotions but the comfort is that at least change is occuring, albeit slowly. Anxiety eh? All the best!