View Full Version : Any advice? Should I visit a doctor?

05-13-2011, 01:33 PM

I'm 22 years of age and I was diagnosed with clinical depression last year. I was given a mixture of different medications to try (also including Serotonin) but some of the side effects were difficult to live with so stopped taking them. I'm still dealing with depression now and have really bad days and some okay days - I've not been to the doctors because they make me feel as though I am making a big deal out of nothing.

Anyway, I wasn't sure whether or not this would just be due to depression but I have always been very very on edge, nervous, worryful (I suffer from OCD) and very shy. This has always been a detriment to my social life but not as severe as the past year or so to the extent where I am struggling to go to work (I've quit two jobs now), dread the slightest thing such as being stuck on lunch with someone I don't speak to, think about how people are looking at me and judging me and how they're better than me, criticising myself to the point where I don't speak or say what I want to say because I feel people will laugh and make fun after I'm gone.
It's making my life hell and I don't have any friends anymore as a result of this. Is this anxiety or just another root from depression? Should I seek more medical advice with this because I'm at my wits end?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

05-13-2011, 01:53 PM
Was just wondering really if this constitutes as SAD or anxiety? As I said, I've been diagnosed with OCD and clinical depression, I don't want to go to the doctors explaining this as a new problem if it is merely another string to depression's bow. I have suffered with this for a very long time though the past year or two it has got increasingly worse and a lot more destructive to my social life.

05-13-2011, 04:43 PM
Dear Sparkle,
You want a label, but why? Do you want a reason for being the way you are and feeling how you feel? Do you want a medication that will make you different. If so, it's the way we'd all want - for it to be different. The fact is that you have to deal with who you are and grow from it. Yes, medication and therapy can help, but you are young and it's a time in your life for doing things. Do you want to begin? I can tell you where I've been and what I've experienced with anxiety, and be sure you will be like me and so many others with nowhere to go and nothing to do. If that's you already, and you've tried, keep trying. I keep thinking it and I will until the end of my life; that you haven't failed until you stop trying.
What have you tried?