View Full Version : New here, anyone here to talk to?

05-07-2011, 09:37 PM
Hey guys, 23 year old Male. Just started dealing with anxiety and depression issues back in September 2010. I had my wisdom teeth removed, and started getting terrible headaches and such. So i start worrying "what's wrong with me? am i dying?" And i started having my first anxiety and panic attack, i stood in my bedroom and broke down with my gf and parents standing there consoling me. So i started seeing a new primary doctor, we try different medications. Zoloft, didn't really do anything. Now i'm on cymbalta, it also helps with my head pain. I think its working, but i had a real bad panic attack months ago, my whole body went numb, i couldn't breathe or walk. My family had to call 911, it was that bad. I haven't had one since then. But i always have this fear that something bad is going to happen to me. Like health wise, i've had tests done, and EVERYTHING came back normal. But i just can't wrap my head around that something is wrong. I have a good family support and doctor but i just felt like i needed to reach out to people who i could relate to. Any comments would be much appreciated, thanks

05-09-2011, 02:17 AM
hey anthony, welcome to this site
your doing the right thing by looking for someone to talk to, it really helps me when im feeling anxious
there are some good guys and gals on here that can answer your questions well (im not one of them)
but theres aload of people like me that are here just to talk.
if you have any questions though just ask, ill see if i can help

05-09-2011, 03:03 PM
Hello Anthony and welcome,

Talking is so very good to do. It gets the words out there and sometimes you have to hear yourself say things out loud in oder to understand what is going on. As far as the medication goes you probably had tolerance withdrawel. Its when the body is used to a certain amout of medication for awhile and then it wants more. Then things get worse. Thats the problem with medication, you have to keep uping it. Panic attacks minic so many other medical problems it would blow your mind if you saw the full list. Keep reaching out, it is the best thing you cna do.


05-10-2011, 01:05 AM
It is right to share your problems and other things to get valuable information from the society. Meditation, Yoga, Accu-pressure etc. sort of natural treatment pathies sometimes help a lot in such kind of situations.

05-10-2011, 08:47 AM
Thank you for the comments guys. I've started changing my life styles and just how i think about things, it's hard, it's really hard. Cause on the inside i feel crappy. Do you get stomach and chest tightness and just an uncomfortable feeling from being anxious and dealing with anxiety? That's what i'm dealing with right now.

But the positive is tomorrow i see my primary, we're gonna pick out someone for me to talk to and get the ball rolling. Bought a treadmill yesterday, gets here saturday so i'm excited about that. Because everyone i talk to say exercise will help so much in every way.