View Full Version : Am I asking too much?

04-26-2011, 03:05 PM
I am a recent college graduate and about to start my new job. I have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks for about a year. I am currently on Trazodone for sleep, and Citalopram for anxiety and depression. My doctor gives me enough Xanax to take .25mg once per day, which is not a lot. When I asked if it was okay for me to take .25mg of Xanax twice a day, she refused. Why do I keep hearing this? I know plenty of people who are prescribed 2 mg of Xanax a day and I can't even be legally allowed to take .5 mg a day. I just don't understand. It is so very frustrating, and I know from buying from my friends (not proud of it) that .5 mg per day and all my muscle tension and anxiety is cured.

Moonlight Mile
04-28-2011, 05:22 PM
It's highly addictive and supposedly the withdrawl is horrendous...I think that's why docs don't easily prescribe in large doses. My doc gives me 5mg a day but even that's a low dosage...but he wants me to only take it when really needed since it's easy to build a tolerance to it. If I were in your situation I'd probably see another Dr to be honest. A friend of mine hasta go get a physical on monday before they will give her a refill of .25 mg a day, and she got her first 30 pill script of it like 5 months ago. Alot of doctors are very reluctant to prescribe it.

04-30-2011, 03:56 PM
Benzodiazepines are not a long term solution and the withdrawal from it is probably worse then your anxiety. I really believe that they shouldn`t be used for more then a month or two for anxiety because tolerance is almost guaranteed.

For how long are you on the citalopram, and do you feel like its working? Maybe it would be a better idea to up the dose of the citalopram instead of the xanax, because it`s less likely that you`re brain will build tolerance to it.