View Full Version : My anxiety troubles?

04-18-2011, 10:48 AM
Hi I too have anxiety problems, have had them for almost a year. I received my first panic attack back in May of 2010. I was very sick, nausea, fever, blurred vision, intense dizziness - bed ridden sick for almost 2 weeks, I believe it was the panic attack about half way through this sickness that caused it to last for so long. The doctor gave me some antidepressents and I took them for a couple of days but I was still sick and they made me even sicker at my stomach so I quit them. I finally did get well and moved on with my life, well at least for a little while. A few months later I started experiencing other things that were wrong with me. I sometimes and often would get this weird feeling like I have air trapped in my chest. It felt as if I need to belch to relieve the tightness but it never happens, so I try to make myself belch to clear the discomfort. It doesnt hurt, but I have this full feeling and it causes me not to eat sometimes for fear that food will somehow get trapped, even though I know that's silly. This discomfort can last for days and I wake up in the same condition. That all lasted for several months and then when I thought things were getting better I had more things to go wrong with myself. i feel very lightheaded, i have some strange foggy feeling in my head, usually no specific headaches, just some head pressure between my eyes and on my forehead.
i hate that foggy feeling, 'cos it makes me feel very blurry, like i am in a twilight zone, that i cannot concentrate well. Kinda like I’m high, but I'm not I don't and haven't done any drugs in a long long time! Usually this is accompanied by fatigue or a strong tired feeling. Sometimes this feeling is just in the morning and late afternoon, but sometimes the fog lasts all day. I am usually more sensitive to light when this happens. Sometimes I feel a little feverish too, usually in the late afternoon.

I decided to go to the doctor and he claims it is all ANXIETY! I mean how on earth could this be the reason for all my trouble. So he wanted to put me on antidepressents and given that I already had problems taking them, this made me way anxious too. Therefore about 2 weeks ago I decided to just believe that maybe my DR is correct and that if I try to work on this whole anxiety thing then If I get better I will assume he was correct (although I am not taking the meds, I will only do so if i can't control this on my own). I am just taking it one day at a time, my first couple of days into this trial I noticed that I believe my breathing is not normal, fast breaths in the chest, so I got online and looked up how to breath and practiced this for several days. I do believe this has helped me, at least for now anyways.. I do have some good days and when I do I question if this is actually real, I mean out of all the bad how on earth could this be real.. I guess I even almost talk myself into being anxious about feeling good.

Anyone else having similar things happen?

04-18-2011, 04:54 PM
I experience the exact same foggy feeling that you described! Like I'm not really there, just floating along, then I realise that I can't feel my feet touching the ground and fear that I'm just going to collapse! Once I feel like this I just can't seem to snap out of it. When I feel like this, like you, I'm also really sensitive to the light, makes me feel like I'm going to faint. Its relieving to know that others are going through the same thing! Belle