View Full Version : What are CBT/TEA forms?

04-09-2011, 07:52 PM
Can someone explain to me what CBT/TEA forms are please? as i think they might help me with my anxiety thanks!

04-16-2011, 12:11 PM
They are the CBT thought countering exercise in the book by Sam Obitz called Been there, Done that? DO This! They have helped me immensely and if you do them a few minutes a day they will help you turn your thinking around and eliminate most of your anxiety problems. Let me know if you have any other questions about TEA forms or CBT?

04-16-2011, 05:29 PM
They are the CBT thought countering exercise in the book by Sam Obitz called Been there, Done that? DO This! They have helped me immensely and if you do them a few minutes a day they will help you turn your thinking around and eliminate most of your anxiety problems. Let me know if you have any other questions about TEA forms or CBT?

How are you with your anxiety? Are you pretty much done with it? Back to the way you were before your anxiety problem?

04-17-2011, 02:21 PM
Thanks, i was abit confused about what they were lol. i think i am past a book now i think i need therapy for my problems

04-17-2011, 04:19 PM

Free CBT workbooks enjoy

if they're free and they're so effective why does one need to pay a psychologist when they can just do CBT by themselves?

04-17-2011, 04:29 PM
One does not need to pay a psychologist , one needs to just find their own way . Some chose to pay a psychologist just as some fix their own house and others pay a builder .

The thing is...I actually don't really know what the thing is. My mind won't stop. You see, I understand what anxiety is, how it comes and how it's not based on someting that is true but my god that fact just does not help.

I fucking need to motherfucking FEEL A GOD DAMN PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL IMPROVEMENT IN ORDER TO MOVE ON. I'm sorry for swearing..this is directed at no one. I'm just so fed up with this crap...really really fed up.

I don't understand what writing something down can actually do to help me feel normal again. Forwells, when I say normal I mean before I had anxiety and yes i do believe that without anxiety i can be like i once was before anxiety - a happy person who had fun and joked around and looked forward to things.

I can say that the sky is green until im blue in the face and i'm 98 years old but never once will i actually belive waht i'm saying is true...how will these CBT forms actually convince me to change my way of thinking and actually MAKE me happy again??

04-17-2011, 05:01 PM
Ok .

I don't fully understand them because it is something i do naturally i have been told and i guess you once did .

But they will not hurt to look at .

See the thing is you say that you cant do it but it is what you did .

Take me i had a huge fear of driving , which was just dumb as i had drove for 20 years with no problem but because of the anxiety and the fear of maybe having a attack in the middle of nowhere i told myself again and again that i could not do it . By doing this it meant that my brain was convinced that there was danger and it reacted to protect me . Once i could pin point the thoughts that were behind it and that they were not correct and where based on bull shit i could change them . I changed them and they slowly faded .

This works the same with panic attacks . You are so convinced that another one is coming that you live on high alert all the time which is what anxiety is more or less .

Trust me i was like you and thought it was bull shit but there are thoughts that you have picked up and chose to believe because of your anxiety and you most likely do not even see them . CBT helps to find them and when you see them you can changed them .

How many things do you tell yourself you cant do because of your anxiety ?? Well who said you cant? You and just as easy you can change that to yes i can do . It takes about 2-3 months to change that thinking back , the problem is most people give up before hand and then get stuck believing they cant change .

So do something about it and make it stop by teaching to stop and that is where meditation and distraction without pushing it away helps .

Yes the sky will always be blue . Cults work by changing peoples thoughts and convincing them that what they say is the truth over and over until that person believes that to be the case .

cheers kev

Look, i understand what you're saying but that just doesn't work. Yes, I can distract myself but the thing that is fuelling the anxiety is the fact that I feel flat. Things taht used to make me happy don't do it anymore. How can I focus on something else when the things that used to bring me joy no longer bring me anything??

I mean nothing, hanging out with my friends, playing video games, talking with my gf, having sex, watching porn, doing school work..NOTHING gives me a good reaction..i havent' been happy since january WTF why?!

How can I move on and get better if the things that i used to love doing no longer bring me joy? I'm looking for answers as to WHY this is happening.

I NEED to know the cause of this in order to move on. Simple things used to bring me joy...sunshine, nature, movies, tv shows, cars THESE ARE THINGS ON WHICH I HAVE LOVED AND BROUGHT ME JOY SINCE I WAS A LITTLE BOY, i can't just suddenly grow tired of them or not intrested them so suddenly?

The fact that simple things like that don't bring me joy just spikes up anxiety(or maybe the cause of the anxiety is my lack of joy of life? i don't know) but the very fact those things do nothing for me MAKES ME THINK OF THE WHOLE SITUATION AUTOMATICALLY no matter how much distracting or accepting i do.

I don't want to fucking accept i'm going to be depressed and be this way for a while i don't fucking want to live like this. People close to me are starting to say things like"man you used to be funny" or "what's wrong you seem off" and htese comments are fucking haunting me beacuse I WAS ALWAYS SO CAREFREE AND DIDN'T LET SHIT BOTHER ME BUT NOW IM BECOMING ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO TAKES THINGS TO HEART WHEN I KNOW THAT\S NOT THE INTENTION?!?!

I'm afraid of changing the core strong person i ahve always been and my fears are slwoly becoming a reality. I have no fucking control of the situation and it's pissing me off, making me sad, making me depressed, making me anxious making me EVERY FUCKING NEGATIVE FEELING OUT THERE.


...im sorry..had to vent lol.

04-17-2011, 06:54 PM
Atleast i know how you feel man, as you know. I feel like utter shite daily and i want it to fucking go

04-17-2011, 07:22 PM
Forwells- CBT modules are great thanks :)

Garra- I know how you feel, I wish I could enjoy the little things once again :(

04-17-2011, 08:10 PM
So what is it that you are looking for . Someone to tell you that one day you will wake up and it will be all gone . Or maybe that you can take some happy pill and be done with it all .

Well sorry but it is not going to happen . Recovery takes work , a lot of it and a fucken lot of pain along the way . But when one puts the effort in then it happens.

So tell me do you think that you are different , that you have it worst than anyone else and that you cant get past it .

I have to tell you that your thinking behind it all sucks . Yes it pisses you off i get that and it did me and at the odd time time it still may but i move on . You on the other hand see to be stuck in the hole.

Why because life's not going the way you want . Depression is a normal reaction to when your life sucks but in saying that it is you that chose which way you are going to react to it . I think you think that to accept something means that that is the way you are going to be forever . People get depressed when they have the flu but they accept it and wait for themselves to heal and then they are right again .

Have you ever stopped to think that you are seeing nothing but the negatives in the situation .

Do you ?? What is knowing what caused it going to do to fix it ?? What you need to know is how to get past it but i dont think you are listening to that and are just feeling sorry for yourself in many ways .

So now i guessed your pissed at me . But i will tell you i was like you . I have always been a pig headed bastard that let nothing upset me . i was always happy no matter what happened . I always saw that their were people worst off than me . I was always a loner , never needed people around me . Strong to the core . Then anxiety hit and all that changed . I ended up a big bloody mess . Sad depressed , having no feelings for anything in life , could not smile never laughed . Then a wise man told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and get off my butt and do something about it and that what i did . Yes it took a long time but all along i refused to believe that the person i once was was not still inside just hidden behind negative thoughts about the world and every thing around me .

Ask yourself are you also feeling sorry for yourself ?? Do you think that you are playing the poor me card ??

cheers kev

Not pissed at you at all. I respect you being around the forums and giving your advice(when I first joined you helped a lot and what you said here stuck with me and helped me get out of that stage of my life so I thank you very much for that).

The difference between that stage of my life and January-present is that I knew what was causing my anxiety and I knew it was stupid but at the same time, I was still me. My anxiety was brought on by bad memories, a bad job and a bad living situation. My core self did not change. I was still able to laugh, joke around, see the positive side of things and was still very very grounded. I KNEW and FELT that it was going to pass and it did.

January-Present is a whole different ball game Forwells. My core self who i truly am and have been my entire life is all out of whack and for me finding the reason to all of this GREATLY helps because when \i find the cause of the problem it brings great satisfaction and actually makes me feel so much better because then I can deduce whether whatever caused this whole thing is still in my life and if it can be changed. If it can, then I can easily deal with it and be fine again..if I can't then I can at least figure out some work-a-rounds for it and deal with it.

The fact that I cannot pinpoint wtf caused all of this is extremely frustrating because i can't move on if i don't know the cause. How can I move on without knowing the cause and if it can be easily dealt with or not? I can't. Not beacuse I'm stubborn or lazy to work for a solution but beacuse I literally need to know the cause to a problem in order to figure out a solution.

You are correct. I am feeling sorry for myself. I have lost all confidence in myself something that has never happened to me in my life and i don't know what to do because i've never been this weak before. I have even questioned my own sexuality (seriously..what the fuck, i feel so degraded and disgusted with myself and feel like my manhood is completely gone beacuse i even questioned that). I don't get a reaction out of hot girls or my own loving and caring gf anymore wtf...my mind is scrambling to come up with reasons as to why that is but i need to know for my own sanity.

I understand there are millions of people who have it worse and I'm thankful I'm not as bad them but people's problems are all relative...this may seem like nothing to someone who has it worse but it's everything to me and that's all that really matters is how it affects YOU and how YOU are feeling right?

Thank you again for taking the time to listen/respond to my and a lot of other's people posts it is greatly appreciated even though I come and whine on here all the time lol.

I guess if I could narrow the BIG problems for me in order is this:

Women (why am i not getting an emotional or physical response from hot women, my gf and porn when that has never in my life been in issue)

Self Confidence(I lost my confidence because I allowed myself to come to this point and a major part of it is the point above)

Happiness(I used to be happy to get up in the morning and see what the day brings even though I have crap that I don't want to do, used to love hanging out with my friends and all that other stuff i mentioned in my previous post)

Future(Don;t know if i'll be the same again, worse or better because of all of this)

04-17-2011, 09:27 PM

Free CBT workbooks enjoy

One little problem. I don't see an actual TEA form in these workbooks.

05-18-2011, 07:06 PM
How are you with your anxiety? Are you pretty much done with it? Back to the way you were before your anxiety problem?

Doing great now. It took a lot of self-discipline but I've never felt better than I do now and I am more optimistic about my future than in a long time also. I do still do the TEA forms almost everyday for a few minutes to make sure I don't slide back into my old patterns but that's it now. How are you doing?

05-18-2011, 07:09 PM
Thanks, i was abit confused about what they were lol. i think i am past a book now i think i need therapy for my problems

You're welcome. CBT is all about the work you do on yourself so if you are motivated and self disciplined you won't need a therapist. CBT therapists just help encourage you and you still do all the work between sessions. That said a great therapist can accellerate the process.

05-18-2011, 07:11 PM
One little problem. I don't see an actual TEA form in these workbooks.

That is a problem... You can still find them in the Obitz book for free at your local library or buy the book www.tao3.com for about 15 bucks.

06-06-2011, 11:58 AM
This is exactly what I just posted about to the person who was looking for the right kind of therapy to try. Hope you see this as it should be right above my reply I just sent to you :)

06-06-2011, 05:55 PM
Hey man, I feel your pain. I used to be so much like you, and through some serious work and effort I got better. I stayed better for years, but then I let it slide. I'm back again, to put some more work into it. Its rough, but there is a future.

07-14-2011, 01:16 PM
Anxi ,
If you got better once I know you will again. This time stick with the TEA forms at least a few times a week and I bet you won't fall backwards again :) It works well for me!

07-14-2011, 03:15 PM

Free CBT workbooks enjoy

Kev, thats a great resource for anyone to have, can i ask if you have tried these ones yet? My partners workmate found these and printed them all out for me but i havent started as yet.

Thanks for sharing that one with everyone :-) we appreciate it

07-24-2011, 01:51 PM
Anxi I know you can do it again :)
Forwells fwiw, never blame it's a dead end road, even if the blame is properly placed. Rather find solutions and move ahead :)

08-24-2011, 12:56 PM
Anxi I know you can do it again :)
Forwells fwiw, never blame it's a dead end road, even if the blame is properly placed. Rather find solutions and move ahead :)

Great advice Tmays. Especially the one for Forwells.

09-25-2011, 11:53 AM
Thanks. I hope you are well buddy?

10-26-2011, 06:28 PM
They are the CBT thought countering exercise in the book by Sam Obitz called Been there, Done that? DO This! They have helped me immensely and if you do them a few minutes a day they will help you turn your thinking around and eliminate most of your anxiety problems. Let me know if you have any other questions about TEA forms or CBT?

Could not have said it better myself :)

11-04-2011, 02:21 PM
Thanks. I hope this finds you well?

01-09-2012, 04:04 PM
Could not have said it better myself :)

Thanks Squirt and I'm doing great Tmays. Keep up the god work on the TEA forms and have a Happy New Year!

01-21-2012, 01:13 PM
Thanks Squirt and I'm doing great Tmays. Keep up the god work on the TEA forms and have a Happy New Year!

Same to you and I am doing my TEA forms diligently!

02-06-2012, 01:35 PM
Same to you and I am doing my TEA forms diligently!

Good job and keep up the good work- you won't regret it!

03-06-2012, 12:36 PM
Awesome everybody!
I'm doing wonderful, thanks for caring!!!

04-14-2012, 03:37 PM
Good job and keep up the good work- you won't regret it!

YOu are so right. I have not regretted any of the work I've put into myself and especially the work I have done on my daily TEA forms!

07-12-2012, 03:09 PM
Hey everyone. I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing?

07-29-2012, 12:20 AM
I'm doing great thx for asking. Learning CBT and the TEA forms was the best decision I ever made :)

10-11-2012, 03:46 PM
I'm doing great thx for asking. Learning CBT and the TEA forms was the best decision I ever made :)

It was certainly one of my best decisions as well, but going to a good college was right up there too :)

10-29-2012, 03:06 PM
It was certainly one of my best decisions as well, but going to a good college was right up there too :)
Hrad to argue, but I think I would have gotten better grades if I knew about CBT and TEA forms before I went to college :)

05-24-2013, 05:17 PM
Hrad to argue, but I think I would have gotten better grades if I knew about CBT and TEA forms before I went to college :)

Good point, that probably would have been true for me too... At the very least I would not have anguised over all my assignments and tests so much :)

05-31-2013, 12:41 PM
Good point and good to hear from you. I hope your life is going good now.
I'm doing swell :)

06-09-2013, 03:11 PM
Good point and good to hear from you. I hope your life is going good now.
I'm doing swell :)

Thanks and I am doing great. I just answered that question in more detail on another thread here :)
Hope you are well too!

06-10-2013, 08:10 AM
It's hard when we know the way we are feeling but have no idea why!! I suffer from anxiety and for about 2 months, I really thought I was never going to feel back to my normal self again! It is frustrating because you just want to get past the feeling but sometimes no matter what you do, it just won't leave and can have lingering effects. What helps for one person, does not necessarily mean that it will help for another. But the thing about having anxiety and depression....they are both very treatable disorders! CBT does have a very high success rate. This therapy does not necessarily mean you have to write your thoughts down on paper at all, some people are unable to put their thoughts into words.....it is training your mind to change your thought patterns which are caused by cognitive distortions of how you are truly feeling. Having a psychology degree myself and taking CBT for my anxiety, I have seen first hand how this therapy can be truly successful.

08-21-2013, 04:31 PM
Thanks for sharing your positive note halleclaire. I hope you are feeling great now! CBT and the TEA forms can work wonders if you stick with them.

10-27-2013, 02:17 PM
Thanks for sharing your positive note halleclaire. I hope you are feeling great now! CBT and the TEA forms can work wonders if you stick with them.

Where is everyone on these boards? I hope everyone is doing great! Life is good for me :)

11-27-2013, 01:24 PM
Where is everyone on these boards? I hope everyone is doing great! Life is good for me :)

I'm around :)
Hope everyone is well!

06-16-2014, 04:34 PM
I'm around :)
Hope everyone is well!

Doing great and glad to see this site is becoming active again.