View Full Version : Feel Strange & Not Myself

04-06-2011, 08:36 PM

I have had anxiety for a few years now, & I thought I was through the worst of it and coping really well,

Over the past few days I have been feeling rough, tired & hot/sweaty.

I have felt ill, felt like its hard to get to the bottom of my breath, and keep having hot flashes and wanting to sleep all the time

I stopped drinking fizzy drinks a long time ago cos i thought that was making me worse, and recently I have started drinking them again, and feel weird.

Is this linked?

I have also been eating a lot of fast food/ chocolate etc, and sleeping all day and being awake at night.

Do you think any of this is linked as i am starting to get scared and feel like i am slipping back into old habits?

(PS. I had a doctors appointment for the morning but I have cancelled it cos I dont have my car tomorrow and would have to use public transport, and because its an early one? I dont know what is happening to me!!!??)

04-07-2011, 06:42 AM
Hi! I too have had anxiety and panic attacks for a number of years. I do know that certain things like caffeine can bring them on, coffee, fizzy drinks etc as theyre stimulants. Do you mind if I ask if your on any medication? I take Venlafaxine and Propanolol for my panic, and I do know esp the Venla can make me feel like crap some days :/ I know if I accidently miss one by a few hours, my head starts feeling funny and feel weird like Im gonna pass out or something.
It could be hun the diet your on, fast food and choc, gorgeous as they are will make you feel rough, mixed in with the anxiety and all the adrenaline rushing through your body with the sleepless nights etc.
Try and cut back on the fast food and maybe improve your diet a little, I know I feel tons better when Ive had fruit and veg, plus try to drink more water, and I tell you one of the best things for panic and anxiety Ive found is Camomile Tea,it really calms me down if Im feeling a little panicky.I also do light exercise like pilates, Believe me you will feel tons better. There are times when we all feel as rough as a bears ass lol so dont worry. I now if I dont feel 100% I start to get anxious and that can bring on some panic attack symptoms such as the breathlessness etc. Hope you feel better soon.xx