View Full Version : I think I have anxiety/depression

04-05-2011, 07:56 AM
I have what I call a severe case of acid reflux. It's gotten to the point to where I had to quit college because I was throwing up all the time and stuck in bed. I have also gotten to the point where I don't want to leave my house because I'm afraid i'm going to get sick and I'm also afraid to be by myself. My symptoms are crying, racing heart, sick to my stomach on top of the reflux, shakiness, and sometimes dizziness. Can anyone give me a suggestion on how to calm down? I have an appointment with a psychologist but it's not for another few weeks.

04-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Hey Churro

Make sure you get yourself outside, I have always found that the walk and the sunshine have done wonders for me. If i stay locked up, I start going mad! Also, your symptoms are absolutely run of the mill for anxiety, so remember that when you have an attack, remember that it is just anxiety. It sucks, but thats what it is, and you are going to get past it. Also when you have an attack, distract yourself, whether it be by watching a tv show, or going for a walk or whatever, don't do what I used to do and go "Oh my God, I'm having an attack.....ooh its a bad one....this is horrible...." or you'll make it worse.

Also, if it is acid reflux, have you seen a doctor? They might be able to offer you some basic remedies that help you get over it.

04-09-2011, 04:47 PM
Thank you for your suggestion. I did manage to go for a small walk today. I have seen a gastroenterologist so I'm taking some meds for the acid reflux but still have problems with the anxiety.