View Full Version : HELP! Struck with possible anxiety...trying to find the source of the problem?!

03-20-2011, 01:54 PM
hey everyone, first of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone on the forums. Secondly, Over the past week or so, I've been experiencing common symptoms of general anxiety...I've been "light headed" 24 / 7, have difficulty focusing, constant headaches, feel less coordinated, shortness of breath, to name a few. All of them get worse the more I think about them. The thing is, I have NEVER experienced anything like this before, as I have always been a very healthy and easy going person. For that reason, it's really interferring with my every day life. I even went to the ER yesterday, and after waiting 6 hours and getting countless blood tests and Xrays, I was told I am perfectly healthy. Now I know that anxiety can be coped with if the source of the problem is found, which is why I'm asking....is it possible for me to be anxious about an upcoming event, even if I tell myself I am not? Last October, I got a speeding ticket, and I have a court hearing in 2 weeks for it. Up until about a month ago, I was very worried about dealing with the situation, and was constantly stressed out. However, though I felt "over it", I can't help but think these anxious feelings are connected to this court hearing, since it's really the only somewhat stressful thing I can think of going on in my life right now. So, is it possible that my anxiety will lessen and / or go away once I finally get this 6 month court process finally done and over with? Thanks for any support guys.

03-20-2011, 03:20 PM
first off, thanks for the response, what you said actually makes sense now that I think about it. And yes, it is just a speeding ticket, but it still is worrying me. Thinking about what to say at the hearing, whether or not I will get off on the ticket, whether or not my insurance is going to go up, etc. Seems like a bunch of little things to be concerned about, but they still are getting to me. So...clearly, I am anxious about the hearing, which is 10 days from now. But do you really think this one event is triggering all of these symptoms that I have never experienced before? Hopefully they all pass once this stupid thing is done with...

03-20-2011, 04:10 PM
yes it , was my first time ever being pulled over after having my license for 4 years. On top of it, the cop was a total jerk and made me feel extremely intimidated. It was a 250 dollar ticket, and he also charged all of my friends in the car 50 dollars for not having their seatbelts on, even though I thought they did. I am going to do my best to fight the ticket, and hopefully my symptoms dissolve after the event is over. Wishful thinking?