View Full Version : up down and all around

03-15-2011, 09:11 PM
Here i am again. i have came along way from where i was i have learned to accept my anxiety at times but now its getting ruff again. i havent had any panic attack but i get this stress that eats at me all the time and its no fun at all. i felt depersonalized all day long. and it sucked all day long. i keep feeling like im floating. its really aggravating. i know asking questions is rediculous because i know all the answers. but im still holding on and trying to find a way to minimize my stress. not looking so good now but hope it changes for the better. only i can make that change and i already know this. matter of fact i dont know why i am even posting up here because like i said i know that this is fake and symptoms of stress and anxiety but i felt like getting it off my chest to some one who understands what it is like to feel like crap all the time. UGH. anyways other than that this time change has taken another toll on my anxiety as well. I hate the feelings of anxiety i wish it would all just go away. oh and has anyone tried the linden method. i just got it. hope it works.
hope all is well
<3 shell