View Full Version : i need help getting this off my mind.

03-12-2011, 01:39 AM
hey all

okay my anxiety has dropped back down which is really good, and it only took 2-3 days this time :)

but just like all the times my anxiety has dropped, my mind just wont forget about it, i just cant get my mind off it.

i will be fine but thinking about it, then it will work me up to a point i start to feel anxious, so i do some relaxation like meditation/deep breathing to calm my self down and decrease the anxious feelin, HOWEVER my mind is still thinking about it, so whether it be 20mins or an hour or a few hours, i will eventually get worked up again cus my mind wont drop it

is there anything i could do about this?

also im stupidly over emotional and im crying over anything, even small things such as people asking if im okay, i am a sensitive person but this is over the top

why is this?


03-12-2011, 04:52 AM
cheers kev

erm with that said, is there anything i can do to help take my mind of it? cus like when i try and distract my self sometimes it just dosnt work, ill be doing the distraction but still be thinking about it at the same time


03-12-2011, 11:09 AM
cheers kev

erm with that said, is there anything i can do to help take my mind of it? cus like when i try and distract my self sometimes it just dosnt work, ill be doing the distraction but still be thinking about it at the same time


This is my problem as well. I still haven't seen anyone professional about it yet but I'm trying to take it 1 day at a time and just sort of take a trial and error approach..it's not a very effective or optimistic way of doing it but I figure it's something that may work until I can see someone professionally.

03-13-2011, 03:54 AM
Thanks kev,

erm i must say as time is going by, ditractions are working more and more and today i finally woke up not thinking about it which was good :)

HOWEVER instead of waking up and thinking about it, i woke up with a really big emotional feeling, this was bought on because i see my girlfriend from friday all the way through to sunday evening, and with it being sunday, i know she is going home tonight and it just really upset me and i dont know why, because i will be seeing her tomorrow and the day after and the day after and so on. Yet it just feels like im not going to be seeing her for ages, i dont know if you have ever had this but say you have been seeing your girlfriend for a year, and you have got a holiday booked for 2 weeks with just your family, the day before you go you are seeing/saying goodbye to your girlfriend and you just get that big sad emotional feeling like you know you are going to be losing a part of you for two weeks, yeah it just feels like that, yet she is with me and i will be seeing her tomorrow.

i just dont get it, why does this happen?
and infact this is exactly what happened and how i felt when all this started :/

as for meditation, i have started this over the last few days but im still learning this


03-13-2011, 06:00 PM
hey forwells

i guess you could say its too late as iv been researching this evening and i think i have found what disorder i may have, im going to discuss it with my psycologist on tuesday

i think i may have dependant personality disorder (DPD)
the reason i think this is what i have is because i fit majority of the symptoms
and my anxiety was bought on by my girlfriend going home after a week together
also comparing this back to when i was younger, i had anxiety back then everyday i went to school cus i didnt wanna leave my mom, again dependancy
DPD can lead to anxiety and depression which i think is what has happened to me

here is a read on it incase you dont know what it is: http://www.healthyplace.com/personality-disorders/dependent-personality-disorder/dependent-personality-disorder/menu-id-62/


03-13-2011, 06:25 PM
i think i may have dependant personality disorder (DPD)
the reason i think this is what i have is because i fit majority of the symptoms
and my anxiety was bought on by my girlfriend going home after a week together
also comparing this back to when i was younger, i had anxiety back then everyday i went to school cus i didnt wanna leave my mom, again dependancy
DPD can lead to anxiety and depression which i think is what has happened to me.

I personally don't like this practice of naming things like 'dependent personality disorder'. I think that, by making every little human shortcoming a medical disorder, real harm is being done. Perhaps the BIGGEST problem with this is that you are turning a personal issue which can change/be changed with time into a 'permanent' medical condition which now requires professional intervention via years of drugs and therapy. Don't get me wrong. Dealing with these sorts of issues is often no small matter. But to say that there is something irrevocably wrong with you because of something like this? THAT'S just wrong.

Of course, by classifying something like this as a 'disease', you create another problem. Because it's being told to them by a medical professional, they actually start believeing it. This decreases further the chances that people are going to try to actually take steps to overcome their issues, and make them believe they are truly helpless. And this, of course, leads to more depression and anxiety.

In any case, beware. Remember that most of these 'diseases' are actually just rather normal human conditions. And they CAN be overcome. Why are they named as such? The almighty dollar. Convincing people that expensive long-term medications and therapy makes people LOTS of money.

03-14-2011, 02:22 AM
i totally get what you guys are saying

but the reason i think i have this is because like i said when i was little i would cry everyday before school and would have anxiety attacks (iv relised this now cus it feels the same now as it did back then), then on night times i would freak out/cry myself to sleep worrying about death of my mom and dad. which to me sounds like a dependancy issue
i cant fully remember how i got out of this stage, i guess i just grew up and became very independant until now, iv got in a relationship and im seeing her every day and she caused my anxiety
so it just seems like i have gotten dependant on her

i also feel this is the case becuase atm my anxiety is very small, and im depressed because im thinking alot about this whole situation, so in them terms its not that bad however i still dont feel like my old self and that i could freak out at any second iv i really think about what im going through. so i just feels to me like i have DPD which has caused me anxiety/depression but iv delt with them but they keep coming back because i havnt delt with the underlying problem of the DPD

thats why i looked up symptoms cus i felt like i had came to a stand still just waiting for another issue of dependancy to strike and bring back my anxiety

also guys i need to ask a couple of questions just to get them sorted

1) is sex good or bad for anxiety?
2) all i ever do know is just work when i have it and then see my gf the rest of the time, i do nothing on my own and i dont see friends anymore, when we go out its either just my gf and me or my family, is this a bad thing?


03-14-2011, 02:25 AM
You may have dependency issues. And they may be serious. But that doesn't make it a disease. Unless, of course, you want to believe that it is.

03-14-2011, 07:06 AM
yeah i suppose i may have dependacy issues no its not a disease, but it is when it gives me anxiety/depression
tbh i love being independant when i have the chance to be so its not a serious thing but something about seeing my girlfriend so much has done something to me, what that is im not sure.

yeah i would like a porper chat but its hard as we live in other places, can we do it next time we are both on please
