View Full Version : how do i stop depersonlization?

03-05-2011, 07:59 PM
Hi, someone told me what I been experiencing is depersonlization or dissociation? Which one might I have, I'm thinking its depersonlization cause I experience it during the day sonetimes, and sorta leaves when I'm doing something then comes back , then sorta leaves before I go to bed , I'm thinking that's what triggers my panics when I drive cause I get this feeling when I drive for a certain period of time by myself it comes on, but when I'm with someone it doesn't come on really, is this depersonlization? Thanks

03-05-2011, 08:56 PM
See I really don't know , it seems like it did a switch on me , in the beginning it was panics at home and depersonlization in car, and some panics in car,now its depersonlization at home and depersonlization in a vehicle then brings on a panic when I'm bymyself , when I'm with my parents its mostly depersonlization no panics , is this a sign of getting better? Cause it sorta seems like it, and I also get this feeling in stores, like I feel safe around my parents in a store, but I get the depersonlization vision when I with them, then if I leave them in a store afterawhile the depersonlization gets a bit worse then brings on a panic bymyself.

03-05-2011, 09:33 PM
I too have depersonalisation and derealisation , and it reminds me a lot of when I was on drugs.

Forswell - I too have bad sinus , probably because of cocaine abuse , and right now I gjust got the flu or cold not sure , could the DP DR really be because of my sinus?

03-05-2011, 09:36 PM
Thanks forwells u seem like u know what u are doing , I really appreciate u helping me out thanks again transam

03-05-2011, 09:41 PM
you seem like a very knowledgable person about anxiety , I really really would like you to read my thread about cardiophobia and my story in it , but no I don't do drugs anymore.Never.Don't even have any craving.

Well I'm not really sure if it's my sinus but I often have the back of my tongue all white and bad breathe , I feel the same thing like when I used to sniff cocaine it would go down my throat but now it's the same without cocaine , and right now ( like today ) I have a ''full'' sensation in my forehead anda runny nose but it feels like I have the beginning of a cold so we'll see.

03-07-2011, 11:11 PM
Recognising and diagnosing the condition may in itself have therapeutic benefits. Many patients express the sense that their problems are baffling and perhaps even unique – a recurring theme among patients attending our specialist depersonalisation clinic is the relief of discovering, first, that their problem is recognised and described by psychiatry and, second, that they are not the only individuals to suffer from the condition. For this reason alone, patients may benefit from referral to a specialist clinic.

03-08-2011, 03:51 PM
transam...can you explain in detail what you experience when you're feeling derealization/depersonalization?

03-09-2011, 03:06 AM
Derealization was truly scary when I didn't know what it was exactly I was experiencing and how normal it was , but once you truly know that it's that , it becomes one of the most harmless symptoms because it's more easy to ignore than say , pounding heart , dizziness or chest pain.