View Full Version : Frustrated with meds!!

02-07-2011, 08:15 PM
I posted in the welcome forum, but that was just a small list of the meds I've tried over the years. I'm so tired of being pumped full of meds!! I've been taking medication since I was seven years old, for Pete's sake! *sigh*

Ritalin, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Strattera, Lyrica, Topomax, Inderol, Imitrex, Excedrin, Depakote, Ativan, Nortriptyline, Ambien, Clonazepam, Celexa, Neurontin, Cymbalta, Tegretol, Xanax and the odd Advil and Tylenol.

For a while, I was able to make it without medication of any sort. These days, if I'm not experiencing a terrible side effect (anything from dizziness and nausea to excruciating pain and seizures) I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms (headaches, nausea, cramps... you name it)

I'm really tired of it.

02-08-2011, 10:12 PM
It sounds to me like you have experienced little benefit and LOTS of side effects from medication. If this is true, it would probably be best to get off the pills. Because if you are not benefitting from medications, what's the point? If you are not getting the kind of relief you desire from medications, it is time to dump them and try other means of dealing with anxiety disorder (like CBT, self-help, exercise, diet, spending time outdoors, etc). One more thing. Remember that you are under no obligation to take medication. Just because your doctor, friends, parents, coworkers, etc might say that you need to be on them, this doesn't mean that you MUST take them. Although some of these people probably mean well, non-anxiety sufferers tend to have a warped perception of the abilities of medications (like Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, etc). Most people think they are a panacea, and will make you feel like your dandy self in a jiffy with few to no side effects (it's called the power of advertising). But this is simply not true. And just because someone has 'MD' after their name, this doesn't mean that they are experts on anxiety disorder. In fact, most doctors know little to nothing about anxiety disorder apart from what the pharmaceutical companies tell them.

02-09-2011, 09:08 AM
It sounds to me like you have experienced little benefit and LOTS of side effects from medication. If this is true, it would probably be best to get off the pills. Because if you are not benefitting from medications, what's the point? If you are not getting the kind of relief you desire from medications, it is time to dump them and try other means of dealing with anxiety disorder (like CBT, self-help, exercise, diet, spending time outdoors, etc). One more thing. Remember that you are under no obligation to take medication. Just because your doctor, friends, parents, coworkers, etc might say that you need to be on them, this doesn't mean that you MUST take them. Although some of these people probably mean well, non-anxiety sufferers tend to have a warped perception of the abilities of medications (like Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, etc). Most people think they are a panacea, and will make you feel like your dandy self in a jiffy with few to no side effects (it's called the power of advertising). But this is simply not true. And just because someone has 'MD' after their name, this doesn't mean that they are experts on anxiety disorder. In fact, most doctors know little to nothing about anxiety disorder apart from what the pharmaceutical companies tell them.

Thank you for your advice. You're right... I kind of thought I had to be on medication because I'm seeing so many doctors. Currently, I'm only on my anti-epileptic medication and Xanax (when necessary) but I have been considering what medication to take next. I should rearrange my thinking to what practice I should try next. I've been finding getting out and doing yoga classes has been helping me, but the sad thing is the deep breathing and heavy workout triggers seizures on occasion. That's another problem I've been struggling with--my two disorders are at war with each other.

I will definitely ask my psych about trying going off everything but my AED. Thank you for your help!

02-09-2011, 03:26 PM
I will definitely ask my psych about trying going off everything but my AED. Thank you for your help!

Don't expect their blessings.

02-09-2011, 07:01 PM
Don't expect their blessings.

Thanks for the warning.

05-22-2013, 06:18 PM
I'm going through the EXACT same thing. Major anxiety and seizures to go along with it. Tired of feeling like I'm going down hill or dying everyday and tired of all the side effects..
I have tried to stop all medications and not tell anyone but then I freak out and think I'm going to have a seizure
And withdraws from the ativan are so so bad
I feel ya and good luck. If you need to vent or do have luck msg me!