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02-05-2011, 10:03 AM
my doctor has put me on this at 0.5mg . to help me with my anxiety. but im really scared to take them as the leaflet inside says it has all these bad side effects like twitching , heart attack and other bad things. im feeling so low at the moment and im taking a beta blocker pronopolol but its not enough , im so scared to take the medicine incase something bad happens and im a single mother and dont wanna end up dying or something , can someone advise me?

02-05-2011, 04:03 PM
if pill can be cut in smaller pieces, do it gradually in crumbs, for maybe two-three weeks, until you come to the point that taking whole pill is not going to give you any bad side effects.

02-05-2011, 11:12 PM

I would SERIOUSLY advise you to see another doctor. Because in my opinion, ANY doctor who prescribes antipsychotics as a first line treatment for anxiety disorder should NOT be practicing medicine (although, unfortunately, MANY doctors do just that). Antipsychotics have SERIOUS side effects that can be PERMANENT (even after the drug is discontinued). And it sounds to me like you have not taken any medications for your anxiety above and beyond a beta blocker. Because of this, if you choose to take medication for your anxiety disorder, there are MANY, MANY other milder medications that you can take before having to resort to something as brutal as an antipsychotic (I'm not a fan of SSRIs, but they are like ginger beer compared to antipsychotics). Indeed, antipsychotics should be used ONLY if all other treatments have failed. They should never (I repeat NEVER) be a first line treatment.

02-06-2011, 06:44 AM
I have been on trazodone in the past and my old doctor had me on that but when i moved this new doctor took me off it as apparently it can have bad effects on you so he put me on sertraline. after a while i stopped taking it because i felt better . 6 months later ive had really tough month , things have happened in my life and my panic attacks and anxiety have come back with a vegence. my muscles are twitching constantley. i have lost 1 stone in 4 weeks i keep crying and the only reason i dont want to kill myself is because i have a son . i want to stray strong for him. im scared to go bk doctors to say i dnt want the anti psycotic because he might say right well im not giving u nothing . i feel so down, im so scared. hw gave me the anti psycotic because i cant realx or sleep i think and i keep crying. isnt there anything else then can help me. i asked to go bk on sertraline but he said no because im not depressed well i bloody feel it

02-06-2011, 04:01 PM
I am sure that if you REALLY want to go back on sertaline, there are more than a few doctors out there who would prescribe it for you. Especially if you tell them that you have benefitted from it in the past. However, I do agree that the medication route is certainly not the best way to go. It sounds to me like, if you go down this road, you will just be on and off pills for years to come. Although I certainly can't make a recommedation for a good therapist for you to see or self-help books that will be a good fit for you, these would ultimately be better to look into than just taking more pills.