View Full Version : Worried...

01-11-2011, 05:39 PM
HI, I have started having strange feelings again, Like unreality feelings,
And when i move my head i feel like things are going a bit slow.

I am starting my other tablets again 2nite, propanolol. To go with my my citalopram.

Should i be worried im going to die or its serious??x

01-12-2011, 05:33 AM
HI, I have started having strange feelings again, Like unreality feelings,
And when i move my head i feel like things are going a bit slow.

I am starting my other tablets again 2nite, propanolol. To go with my my citalopram.

Should i be worried im going to die or its serious??x

Can you please explain to me how feeling a little strange and seeing things a little "slowly" can cause your death?

Think about it logically and explain it to me please.


01-12-2011, 05:24 PM
Omg I Never thought of it like that! I suppose you cant die from it, Its just my body playing tricks AGAIN.

I hate feeling like this though. I feel so uneasy and just want to cry!x