View Full Version : Anxious Me

01-05-2011, 09:57 PM
So, I'm new here. I'm not really sure what to say, but I'm 25, and have a lot of anxiety. I'm not really sure what to call it all sometimes. Lately, I feel strange.. almost like, I stop and look around me and think... "Where am I, and how did I end up here?" I don't actually not know where I am, but something just... feels off or something. Then I think about myself, or look down at my hands.. and it feels.. WEIRD. Like.. they can't be MY hands, almost like.. wondering if I really exist or something. Does this make sense? I get that it probably doesnt, but its very hard to explain. I also am horrible in relationships. I always feel like I'm being compared to exs, or like.. the only reason someone is with me is convenience for them, because they dont want to be alone... but I dont really mean THAT much to them. Its weird. I'm gay, and dating a 40 year old... I feel like my anxiety makes me doubtful about things.. how can I get over that and just be happy, and not be a constant "buzz kill" so to say.

I know I'm rambling and not making sense hahah.

01-06-2011, 12:58 AM
Hi Datura,

It sounds like what you are dealing with is derealisation. That out of body, things aren't real, floating a few feet above the earth kind of thing.

It is a normal part of anxiety. I never had to deal with it much so I can't give you advice - maybe someone else can tell you how to deal with it?

Good luck,
