View Full Version : Anyone ever fell like they wish they didn't need meds?

12-30-2010, 07:58 AM
I recently downed my meds after 4 yrs ..I was on 150 mg of effexor went down to 37.5, I was a bit moody and sappy but no anxiety. I have experienced a few life stressors and sure enough ocd and anxiety is back with refenge, I have been upped to 75mg for 4 days now..still doesnt seem to be doing it...going to docs today. But had anyone ever wished they could do it on their own, I have tried and can't. I know it's an illness like anything else and then I am also afraid that 1 day I will have to increase the 150 and I hope I don't ever have to. I do know when I get pregnant 1day I will have to reduce it, hopefully it wont be as bad with the hormone changes...any advice or anyone with words of encouragement?
