View Full Version : Weird thoughts and Anxiety Disorder!

11-24-2010, 11:50 AM

I have A LOT of 'what if' type thoughts but I also experience some absolutely crazy thoughts, to the point that I sometimes think I'm a bit crazy for thinking them. For example just the other day I was sitting in the bath tub and I just glanced at my foot and for what ever strange reason I thought about eating my foot and if I could have seen my face at that time I would imagine it would have looked very perplexed and confused, it just caught me totally off guard. It was weird because I was actually feeling quite relaxed sitting in the bath so I wasn't physically anxious or panicky.

I mean, I laugh at it now. But can these thoughts still play tricks on you even when you are not feeling anxious? during Anxiety Disorders is there always some kind of underlying Anxiety that continues the thoughts even when you don't FEEL physically Anxious?


11-24-2010, 12:54 PM
Howdy Paul

Thats a funny one :D

Sorry i shouldn't laugh but some can be weird hey .

Look this is not even a anxiety thing . We have 60,000 odd thoughts a day and the problem with as with any symptom with anxiety is that we focus in on them . I think what you did was good . You just saw the though , gave it no power and went on your way . You gave it no power and it did not become a problem.

Well done and i think it shows that you are on you way to getting better . Oh and in answer to your question . They do fade over time or i should say they go back were they have always been to the back of your mind .

cheers kev

11-24-2010, 09:55 PM
hahaha, yea that's a funny one.

My working scape goat for this one is a big yes to your answer about underlying Anxiety!! This is just my opinion but I do beleive that your thought was anxiety related. That was a form of anxiety, and just becuase you were calm and relaxed that's just the way the anxiety was playing out at the moment. Since, it seems to have caught your attention. There is the anxiety. The other thoughts you thought of through out the day, were probably almost of the same caliber or validity (nothing) but you just didn't latch onto them at the time. Foreswells is right, you did the right thing, you paid it no attention. Labeled it what it was (anxiety since you seem to have derived the correct answer about it) and moved on with your day.

I used to have major problems with thoughts. Some times these days i'll catch myslef having a thought I might of had a year ago, and it won't bother me, and I'll recognize that as improvement. Truely, I think the things happening in my life are just calming down and resolving themselves with time. The disturbance with the thoughts are also going with it.

Good job!!

11-25-2010, 07:37 AM
Thanks Kev and Hesson81 great help! You are more than welcome to laugh, like I said, I laugh at it now as well :lol:, my foot is still very much attached to my leg by the way haha!

11-26-2010, 05:38 PM
Hey, humor is a great way to handle our thoughts as they come. My therapist showed me a list of thoughts that people without any form of "mental illness" had on a daily basis. They ranged from "kicking a baby in the head" to "driving off the side of the bridge." She showed me this list so I can see that the thoughts I have are complelety normal, it's just how I react to them that needs some re-learning. :tongue: