View Full Version : Does anyone have a remedy for pain from anxiety??

11-05-2010, 11:09 PM
I suffer from pain, almost every day.

Its mainly in my neck, back of my head, and sholder blades.
The pain can be so bad at times I will be bed ridden for days and the only thing that helps is ice or heat but when that don't help idk what to do so I end up crying myself to sleep.

does anyone know of any natural ways to relieve anxiety pain???

I've been in and out the ER I don't know how many times....

I'm so overwelmed with life... sometimes I think I actually make the pain worse.

11-05-2010, 11:56 PM
I have face, scalp, and neck pain from anxiety myself. What did they tell you in the ER??

I wish I had a good suggestion. I find that acupuncture and chiropractic (someone who does Applied Kinesiology) helps some, but I don't yet know of anything really dramatic that helps. I tried "medical Qi Gong" recently and was not impressed. Still experimenting...

If you end up finding anything that helps, do share!! :)

11-06-2010, 11:16 AM
ok thank you! i do see a kiniesiolgist. She adjusts me and actually helped me more out with my pain than a "earthly" doctor. i really can't stand how they act better than everyone because they have a degree saying they know the human body. anyways... thankyou for answering. if i figgure anything out i will share. I found taking B vitamins helps. And vitamin K as well. Its found in green leafy veggies. I also was using a TENS unit. that helped as well but I over did it and messed up some nerves which freaked me out... needless to say I was in the ER for that... *sigh* no doctor even seen me. I waited there for 6 hours and finally just left. they billed me for it too... they arent getting money from me!

as far as what they said about the xrays...
the doctor pretty much gave me perks and said it was muscle tissue and recomended me seeing a physical theorpist... which is where i got my TENS unit from.

my doctor actualy explained that everyone has pain from stress. while most people get head aches... i get neck pain and i have to learn to manage my fear and stress. i get light headed from the muscles being tence and blood flow being cut off from my head. i also have unbalanced hormones which dont help :(