View Full Version : Breathing question from jj

11-03-2010, 03:08 PM
So, my heart has felt somewhat better but I frequently have to feel like I have to cough to breath? Anyone else have this happen? I read ppl w anxiety often breathe shallow? I try to make it a point to breathe in thru nose and out thru mouth....I am bad about breathing open mouth...

Any tips or advice/opinions?

11-03-2010, 10:46 PM
Hi JJ :D

No body like this question :unsure:

Breathing is a learning process . And i know you dont like meditation but it is one of the things it teaches you .

Go find a chair , or do it before sleeping and breath deep via the nose and out though the mouth
6 counts in hold then 6 counts out . Do it often .

Interesting it is believed that when the body is breathing well it will not panic and will remain calm .

After a while it becomes the normal thing .

cheers kev :)

11-04-2010, 06:14 AM
I think that breathing through your nose and out your mouth as a relaxation exercise is good but is it really the correct way to breathe all the time?

Also, I believe your out breath should be more than your in breathe, not 6 in than 6 out.

The amazing thing about the body is how it breathes all on its own without our intervening.