View Full Version : found the root to my anxiety

10-26-2010, 03:05 AM
I talked to my boxing coach and apologized to him for letting him down he expected me to be the next mike tyson and told him what I was going through and he said that everyone gets scared and its normal u just have to control and use it to keep your wits Sharp I think the root of my anxiety came from no confidence in the days before the fight and I made excuses not to go to 2 of them and I was really down on myself for being a coward but when I fought I didn't fight for me I didn't want to let people down so I wouldn't try I thought if I lost no one would care about me but after going through these 8 months of hell I don't think it will be anything to worry about so Im doing what I think will make me feel better and screw what everone else thinks this time its for me for the love of the fight and face what I fear most. It's time to step back in the ring

10-26-2010, 10:30 AM
Good luck to you. I'm glad you are on the right track!

10-26-2010, 01:29 PM
Howdy Boxer

You go get it mate and never give up .

Be all that you can be and that you want and dont let anyone tell you other wise and that also includes that little voice in your head called self doubt .

cheers kev :D