View Full Version : 1st bout of anxiety in a year

10-25-2010, 10:05 AM
I am new to this forum, I used to be on another and still post there as well but I am going nuts today. To keep it brief I have not had anxiety for a year now and I got sick this weekend and so did my wife who is pregnant. My worrying about her allowed anxiety to creep back in. I try to force myself to go in to work but I just cannot. When I get it it takes over. I have no energy, probably because I barely eat when I get this way, and have a constant tense stomach. I know it only last 3 - 5 days normally but the fact it happened after all this time over something minor has got me down. It is hard to just type this because I have no will to do it.

Basically what I am looking for is advice. How do any of you get through the day when you get your anxiety? It is so hard for me and days like this I cannot do.

10-25-2010, 10:18 AM
I am so sorry that you are going through this and I really, truly sympathise.

I think when anxiety returns after such a long time, it feels worse as you don't really remember how bad it was the last time.

You are not worried about something minor, your wife being pregnant is a huge deal and of course both of you will have worries and fears along with the happiness.

DON'T LET IT GET YOU DOWN! DON'T ALLOW IT TO TAKE CONTROL AGAIN!! Stand up and chuck it right out the door before it gets to a point where it rules your life again.

Yes, much easier said than done. I do believe however that when anxiety comes back, it MIGHT not be that bad to start with, but the memory links we have to the way it was before freaks us out.. NO! I don't want to feel like that again! It was awful! And that chases up the anxiety level even higher and we just hand ourselves over to it.

With all due respect (and understanding that when anxiety hits it is difficult to listen to reason) you are not supposed to live your life "getting through the day." Take some time to yourself. Sit quietly and think.. where did it start? What triggered this new anxiety? Breathe. Talk to yourself out loud. NO, I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO TAKE CONTROL!!

*end of lecture*

Good luck, I really hope you can get this under control!


10-25-2010, 12:05 PM
Howdy angstguy :D

You going about it the wrong way .

If you had the flu and couldn't go to work would you sit there and beat yourself about the head over it ??? Of course not so why are you doing it because you feel a bit stressed .

See this is the problem with anxiety and people with anxiety , instead off saying oh i'm not feeling well today i might take a breather and the day off and relax . No its Oh whys this happening , how am i going to cope , i have to go to work . Well mate you don't have to do anything other than look after yourself .

Yes, much easier said than done. I do believe however that when anxiety comes back, it MIGHT not be that bad to start with, but the memory links we have to the way it was before freaks us out.. NO! I don't want to feel like that again! It was awful! And that chases up the anxiety level even higher and we just hand ourselves over to it.

No truer statement has ever been wrote . See i don't do this if i have a bad day i just look at it as a bad day nothing more . I refuse to believe that anxiety is something i am stuck with and anything from my past i use as a learning thing . I don't get anxiety any more but i do get depression and i have learned when to stop and calm myself down or go and do something i enjoy . I know that if i dont it will stream roll and i will end up a mess and that is not the way i want to live . Yes life can be a bit hard some days but its life and im alive and for that i am happy .

So my tip is relax , rest and restore and yes i know you are worried about your wife but she will be fine and you should be enjoying things because having a kid is the best time of your life .

cheers kev


10-25-2010, 12:32 PM
Thanks Kev. That all makes perfect sense. I guess my issue is that when I take a day off I feel a sense of responsibility like I have to be there. I do not know why. When I was younger I would blow in for anything just to not work (LOL). That does all make sense. Thanks