View Full Version : Alcohol

10-25-2010, 09:21 AM
Can anyone please explain the me what the problem is with alcohol and anxiety?

What is the link, and why does alcohol make anxiety worse?


10-25-2010, 09:24 AM
Alcohol has the same calming components that medication such as Xanax has, so for someone with anxiety, alcohol is the way to go to acheive that temporary relief of their anxiety. It is a depressant, however, so it does make anxiety worse the next day. It's like you are chasing your own tail. I am battling this now myself. When I get home from work I get a drink and then another, and I feel like my 'old" self, I feel free...then I wake up the next day with butterflies and the thoughts are floating around and sometimes it leads to a panic attack sometimes not. So that is the cycle with anxiety and alcohol. :|

10-25-2010, 09:29 AM
Ah I see, thank you.

I don't drink at all, was just wondering what the problem was. My neighbour - who happens to be the only person I have ever physically met who suffers with anxiety - came home absolutely slaughtered on Friday night, and she had the worst panic attack on Saturday.

I wasn't sure what to say to her, as both of us know it's not a good idea to drink but we weren't sure why.