View Full Version : well I can see why people fear Schizophrenia

10-20-2010, 06:31 AM
I have bene studying mental health kind of like a side passion. if anyone needs help trying to understand the condition more. I think I can help..

10-21-2010, 12:20 AM
haha it's my biggest fear to. Not because I actually fear it, but sometimes the way my mind brings thoughts in scares me. I think it's a vigilence thing, anxiety suffers are so so so so aware of their thoughts, that anything that seems a bit funny, we catastrophize it. So pre-anxiety days, i know for a fact that my thoughts were sometimes scattered and couldn't be explained in a logical sense. But i never thought omg i could be going schizo.
anxiety man its such a bitch makes no f-ing sense

10-21-2010, 04:41 AM
I can assure you-- you are not schizophrenic or crazy. Schizophrenia is a major illness characterized by thought disorders, hallucinations, delusions etc. It runs in families, and it does not just appear out of nowhere. If you had Schizophrenia, you wouldn;t have the normal thoughts to even know you had it.
Anxiety makes us have weird thoughts, and yes they can be scary, but trust me, it is not schizophrenia.