View Full Version : My symptoms

10-18-2010, 12:00 AM

Need some advice. If this is the 2nd post that is the same I am sorry looks like the first one did not post.....

I have just see a vid of some you person with hear failure really worried now. Need some reasureance... below is my original symptom post


Hi Everyone,

I have decided that this is the way to go the doctors doesn't seem to have helped much. I have alway been a guy that was pretty relaxed or it just seemed that way. I used to work very stressful hours and used to drink a lot of alcohol for a long time. a few years back I started getting a few episodes of sleep paralysis. did not think much of it. Just a very weird feeling A few months after that I started getting pains in my chest and slight memory loss. I also got palpitations as well. And my sugar regulation was shot as well. As a was you and to proud I never went to the doctors.

My situation as of now it has been 4 year since the symptoms have started. I ignored it at first but it got to its worst when we immigrated from South Africa to New Zealand. 2 years ago. On my arrival in NZ i got struck with a bladder/kidney infection and soon after I got glandular-fever/mono. 4 months the doctors could not find out that I had glandular fever. I was panicing and thinking that i was dying. With no cause as all my results came back ok. With all my test done at the doctors. I did from thyroid to cortisol tests, blood sugers everything. Was very sick of needles.

May of last year I had a holder monitor for my heart to catch one of these palpitations. On that day I was fine no symtons at all So after I went to a cardiologist to check my heart they did stress test, echo sonar to check the valves and all he said all is fine. I have had a few different doctors listen to my heart they all say it is fine. I think i have a slow heart rate from the mono now at about 55 beats per min. ( When feeling good and bad) same rate all the time

All the doctors say I have anxiety

My current symptoms are

Chest pains

Palpitations mainly when going to bed

Dizzy only some once a week

General feeling of unwell mainly in the evening after 5ish when i am cooking

Breathlessness when walking upstairs not always( But I can play a game of squash or go for a jog and I am fine) Looks like this mainly happens when I am not exerting my self fully( adrenals kicking in to slowly or something)

Bad sleeping patterns.

extreme fatigue during certain parts of the day. Every random last for about 30min then i am back to normal.

I also get a feels like a skipped beat/tingling in my chest

My main problem is that i dont trust the doctors opinion.

The symptom i am most concerned with the breathlessness one. How can i be that out of breath with doing so little.

Any advice or motivation will be great.


2 more things I am only 26 years old and sorry for the long first post.

10-22-2010, 04:48 AM
is there any one that can help me

10-22-2010, 11:03 AM

Looking at your name, you must be in SA? Want to get in touch and we can talk?

[email protected].

I will send a message in case this doesn't show up here.


10-22-2010, 11:05 AM
Sorry, I read like my backside... I see you are in NZ now, still get in touch if you wish.