View Full Version : Confused

10-08-2010, 09:32 AM
I just got back from my DR appointment were we were talking about my anxiety and how I was doing. He put my on zoloft about 3 months ago and i have been slowly upping my dose which seems to help alot but the side effect after upping for the next two weeks is horrible. It makes me very emotional. But something he said in the meeting confused me he basically was saying I would have to deal with this for the rest of my life. I thought anxiety if you work on it can be cured to the point were you could be back to your old self before this all happened. Is that not true? I dont want to take this medicine all my life I want to fix this even if it take a while. I am really determined to beat this and get my head back on straight. What is your thoughts can anxiety be cured?

10-08-2010, 12:36 PM

But something he said in the meeting confused me he basically was saying I would have to deal with this for the rest of my life.

Go and find yourself a real doctor and not some legalized pill pusher .

If a drug increases your symptoms then it is not doing its job . I to was placed on drugs which in the end caused most of my anxiety .

As for I would have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Thats crap . If every person that got anxiety had to 'deal with it for live' Then there would be a lot of people walking around in a anxious state. One in four people will get anxiety at some stage and with work on the cause and changing their life style they will fully recovery and often be better off for the experience .

I have come from a complete mess , crying 24 hours a day , scared to leave the house etc to someone that is still dealing with little bits of it but functions as i always did .

cheers and wish you well kev


10-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks for that post it was uplifting. I sometimes wonder if the med is causing me more problems than it is worth. I wish i would have never started it actually. It took me awhile before I did but the anxiety was so bad back then that it was hard to concentrate or even work. I felt the physical symptoms most of the day come and go. The headaches and the muscle tension is what really tormented me. They kept me in this state of high anxiety but i am finally getting relief.