View Full Version : obessive thoughts

09-29-2010, 03:49 PM
Does anyone get these and how do you get ride of them without them coming back. I know they are just thoughts but dam I wish they would just go away.

09-30-2010, 09:24 AM
You should read my post called, "Is there and answer for this" and read Kev's reply to it, it's great!
I was askin' about the obsessions also....

09-30-2010, 09:57 AM
Will do. It is really weird the thoughts are crazy and they appear out of the blue all day the same thoughts. I was wondering maybe it was the zoloft I was on. I never have had this before so it is hard to figure out if it is the medicine or the anxiety but even if I don't feel anxious or stressed I still get them. But if I knew I was stressed I probably wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. I have a problem with analyzing everything because I want to find the solution and the quick fix. That is the engineer in me i guess. Thanks for the reply

09-30-2010, 10:25 AM
Health anxiety and OCD are very closely related.

I have been taking a supplement that helps my anxiety great;y, and I started by BF on it, and it helps his brain chatter. I wonder if it would help in this case? If not, it will at least help the anxiety! You can find it through some chiropractors/alternative healers, but I see that it can also be obtained through Amazon.com! It is called "Min-Tran," short for "Mineral Tranquilizer." GREAT STUFF!!!

In fact, I should post about this separately...