View Full Version : Getting there.

09-27-2010, 07:22 PM
Hey, so I've had my anxiety (mainly health anxiety) for 8, coming on 9 months now. It was really bad at the start, and over the time period I've had my down days, really down days, and up days.

But for the later half since I've had my anxiety it's, from what i see, slowly declining to the point that i rarely have attacks. I've become better at controlling any attacks that may come on and what not, and I've been going to CBT.

However, one thing that bugs me and could set the attacks off at any point is whats happening inside my head, symptom wise. It's like I'm hearing a voice shouting in my head that in turn makes me feel like I'm going to lose control of my voice and start shouting whatever I'm imagining whats being shouted in my head. If you get me, hard to explain.

Is this a common part of anxiety? Does anyone else here have this?

09-28-2010, 10:20 AM
Kind of like a mental Tourette's? I don't have that, but in general, the fear of going crazy or doing something to embarrass oneself is very common for those with anxiety/depression. Also, health anxiety is closely related to OCD.

09-28-2010, 02:30 PM
I have health anxiety also, and the thoughts that I will go crazy/lose control ect. These are normal.
One thing my therapist told me is, "A crazy person doesn't know they are going crazy, they just go crazy!" So we are just having the thoughts that we will. Have we ever acted out the thoughts before? ;)

09-30-2010, 07:10 PM
These symptoms have pretty much dispersed more or less, not as intense. Which is good. And i completely forgot about the "Going crazy/Lose Control" part! >.< Would explain it...

But yeah, now I'm more focused on muscle twitching again, due to every toe on both feet twitching, or scrunching up then de-scrunching in a second... Oh the joys of anxiety and it's circle of annoying things...

10-03-2010, 10:07 AM
Oh the joys of anxiety and it's circle of annoying things...

Oh, yes, of course!!! Lose one symptoms and think you're fine now, then another one swiftly takes its place!! Been there!!