View Full Version : heart problems

09-16-2010, 07:46 PM
so lately i have been having these heart issue. mostly palpitations but now its like for a split second a squeeze feeling in my heart like its going to pop and right before i freak out it goes away. i dont understand why i have already had heart ultrasound and monitors. its just really hard to cope with the fact that there is nothing wrong with my heart???? Maybe it has alot to do with my husband getting news that he has high cholesterol and that could lead to heart attack or stroke and hes only 27. i feel stress out really bad this week. Its wierd my mind races and i am constantly thinking about something and when i stop what i am doing and go do something else its like i freak out because its foggy. i know it sounds weird and its harder to explain. i feel like i have gotten thrown off the weirdo truck and ran over by a couple of cars. just for those who do not know i have been anxious for 2 years and have been battling med free. i just need some words of incouragement and for someone to explain there heart "issues"

09-16-2010, 09:47 PM
I can SO RELATE! I went to my dr on Thursday and was told my ekg looked "perfect" went Tue.to cardio. dr who did another ekg and said ummm no neither was perfect they were abnormal in the left ventrical,the blood flow is supposed to be 120-140 and mines 120 so borderline abnormal for issue. I frequently have heart palps,and feel out of breath easy. Today I had to wear a 24 hr heart monitor and next week I have ecg and stress test done.

I am 27/f/5'6" 128lbs non smoker or drinker,dont drink any sodas just water and am veg.,I eat no meat. My bp is 102 top number. All my blood work was perfect.

I am hoping my stress affected the ekg test who knows...
Mine was brought about for many reason (see my post titled 'update from a few days ago") our daughter died in feb.,hubby navy and we are moving were we know no one,trying to sell our house,our son stopped talking at 30 months of age due to his sissy passing...etc..just a bad year for us!!!

I would love to chat with you!

09-17-2010, 01:29 AM
so lately i have been having these heart issue. mostly palpitations but now its like for a split second a squeeze feeling in my heart like its going to pop and right before i freak out it goes away. i dont understand why i have already had heart ultrasound and monitors. its just really hard to cope with the fact that there is nothing wrong with my heart???? Maybe it has alot to do with my husband getting news that he has high cholesterol and that could lead to heart attack or stroke and hes only 27. i feel stress out really bad this week. Its wierd my mind races and i am constantly thinking about something and when i stop what i am doing and go do something else its like i freak out because its foggy. i know it sounds weird and its harder to explain. i feel like i have gotten thrown off the weirdo truck and ran over by a couple of cars. just for those who do not know i have been anxious for 2 years and have been battling med free. i just need some words of incouragement and for someone to explain there heart "issues"

High cholesterol isnt a big deal, its easily fixed up. How high was it?

Its hard when you struggle with a fear even though its been cleared, you just have to stop yourself from thinking the negative thoughts about your heart. You know that there is nothing wrong, its just anxiety thats causing your concerns!

Good luck! :D

09-17-2010, 10:58 AM
Hi Hon,

Your heart will be just fine. Palps don't mean "heart problems" per se. My mom DID have major heart problems and she did not have palpitations. I used to have palps, thumps, etc. which would take my breath away. I have had an EKG as well as a treadmill stress test, which turned out great. Once I stopped worrying about them, they went away.

As for the hubby's hugh cholesterol, keep in mind that Big Pharma likes to lower target numbers to increase their pool of potential customers. I believe during Grandma's day, normal total cholesterol was 300. They ate lard, saved their accumulated bacon grease in a jar on the stove to cook in, etc. I collect vintage cook booklets and you should see the old pictures of beef dinners in them - globs of fat still hanging on the cuts. And those are the people who are like 90 years old today.

My cholesterol is 253, but it was over 300 once. Also, what's more important is the ratio and triglycerides. Still, the culprit of heart disease is moreso high homosystiene / C-Reactive Protein. Even if his numbers are bad, he's only 27, so there's plenty of time to take care of it. Lecithin helps reverse arterial plaque. I'm curious to hear the numbers (TC, LDL, HDL, TRIG)?

09-18-2010, 10:32 AM
My cholesterol was 131 according to my paperwork that I just got today on my blood test. The only thing that was little borderline high was my sugar, but I had drank tea right before the test too,so that may be why.It had honey in it too

09-18-2010, 04:19 PM
Howdy Mamma

Your feeding that worry again

Did you face the heart symptoms you had or did they just fade away . It sound like the later and this thing with your hubby is bring some sort of fear back .

The only way to get past anxiety is face and to stop worrying about those symptoms.

You need to write your thoughts down if you cant do it in your head .

husband getting news that he has high cholesterol and that could lead to heart attack or stroke and hes only 27

So your husband has bad cholesterol its not a big deal and is far from a death sentence meaning stroke or heart problems . It is just the way some body's work and they believe that is a factor in future heart problems . It is not the only cause in it . Its like doctors say oh someone died and they have high cholesterol and maybe this has something to do with it and will will treat that to take one factor of heart attacks away . This is only one factor and takes years to do any damage .

Treatment plain and simply . You change your diet and it should come down . Oh but what if it dont . Well you take one tablet once a day and it will drop .

My cholesterol was high and always have been . Looks to be in the family . Even when i was super fit it was high . So i watch what i eat and take that pill and a blood test once a year .

Its no biggie , Your hubby is going to be around to be a pain in your butt for many years to come so chill out and work on why it is that that symptoms you get with your heart gets to you so much .

cheers kev :D

Paul Dooley
09-22-2010, 08:44 PM
Palpitations don't just mean having fast, slow, or even "skipped" heart beats. It also means being VERY aware of your heart, which can be creepy given that most of us never really notice our heart working.

I think it's the abnormal rhythm AND your hyper-awareness that is causing the problem.

I'd say if you relax your attitude toward palps and make sure that you're not doing anything to make it worse (like consuming caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco) than you'll be back to normal in no time.

It's hard to accept, but absent heart disease, palps are harmless. Take it easy!