View Full Version : Is anxiety really this bad

09-16-2010, 08:16 AM
I am new to anxiety and all of it symptoms and it is hard for me to get my brain rapped around all of this. This all started for me like two months ago, it hit me so quickly I thought I was going crazy. I had all these symptoms like scared feelings, muscle tension in my neck and around my temples that lasted for weeks, headaches, pressure on the top of my head, my eyes hurt like I had allergies and my stomach seems always upset it made me a nervous reck and it seemed to last almost all day everyday. I saw my DR but i just didn't want to believe aniexty could cause these symptoms. I am now on zoloft 75mg which I really didn't want to take but i just had to do something to calm me down. I think this has caused me to also me somewhat depressed. Also, those crazy thoughts is really scary and it is hard to get ride of them.
I am trying everything to get over this ASAP but I am learning it takes quite a while or I might have to deal with this the rest of my life (scary).
Even with the Zoloft it is still with me at times and my mind is always thinking about it because some of the symptoms I get still come and go. Also, it seems I have to talk about it all the time to help me get through this. I am starting to see a theropist for some CBT and I hope this works. Has anyone else been through this like I have? :?

09-16-2010, 09:59 AM
Hi there! Welcome!

You've sure come to the right place! We all know what you're going through. It really throws you for a loop when it hits you all of a sudden. And it DOES feel like it's never going to end, but it does eventually, though it unfortunately does kind of wait in the shadows, ready to pounce, during any moment of weakness. At least in some cases.

Talking it out is good, and it's great that you're going to see a therapist (CBT). I've tried to see a therapist (not CBT) and it didn't work for me, but I will soon work with a hypnotherapist. Hoping that helps!

Good luck to you, and post your little heart out!! There are a lot of nice people here willing to help!!

09-16-2010, 03:35 PM
Thank You for your post.